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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 32 <br /> Create a process for identifying participants and resources to address problems and <br /> opportunities (Project Teams) <br /> Target: (unidentified at this time) <br /> Finance Director Miller stated that the intent of this identifier was to grasp inter- <br /> departmental cooperation and identifying participants in play, with the key word <br /> being"process in place" and how to address that. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte concurred, noting that the intent was a reaction to at- <br /> tempts to be less silo-oriented and more collaborative. <br /> Mr. Rapp questioned what the desired outcome was, with Councilmember <br /> Laliberte responding to more effectively solve problems; and Mr. Miller respond- <br /> ing to address organizational needs and not limit thinking. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated it went back to staff's and Councilmembers' de- <br /> sire to move away from the top-down mentality and have more open interdepart- <br /> mental collaboration. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred. <br /> Finance Director Miller noted that it required a conscious decision whether the <br /> process was individual or collaborative, which made a difference in how best to <br /> solve an issue. <br /> In addressing problem solving, Mr. Rapp suggested a KOI stating: More col- <br /> laborative decision-making," or "improved problem solving," both which <br /> was more of a "how." <br /> Councilmember Laliberte clarified that the target was "effective problem solving" <br /> and recognizing that collaboration was not prudent on every issue that came <br /> along. <br /> If better problem solving was the desired outcome, Mr. Rapp opined that it need- <br /> ed a way to monitor its success to indicate improvement or not. <br /> As an example, Councilmember McGehee referenced streetscaping, with one <br /> group planting trees, another performing maintenance, and if the groups were col- <br /> laborating it would maximize efficiency for maintenance and survivability, or the <br /> best outcome versus how it was currently set up. <br /> Mr. Rapp responding that he did not see that as problem solving, but advocating a <br /> change or prioritizing resources. <br />