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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 37 <br /> City Manager Trudgeon stated that he struggled with performance measurement, <br /> noting past attempts and questioning if there was any value from those attempts. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon opined that what was important was for the organization to change <br /> what they were doing, but questioned if it was important to have a report card, <br /> and opined that he was hearing from participants that it was not necessary. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon advised that staff already looked at this issue and it was reflected in <br /> their budget documents; and clarified that he would much rather focus on inter- <br /> department cooperation. <br /> In terms of examples then, Mayor Roe suggested that over the next two years, <br /> staff identify several instances where it was possible to achieve more efficient op- <br /> erations,however that was accomplished. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that collaboration should not be only for opera- <br /> tional effectiveness or efficiencies, but to get a better handle on issues through <br /> brainstorming at the staff level. Councilmember McGehee stated that she would <br /> be happy for City Manager Trudgeon take on as a goal to have more collaboration <br /> as part of staff's weekly meetings and work toward more of those efforts and re- <br /> turn to the City Council with two things that resulted from that brainstorming or <br /> staff-initiatives of where they had worked together. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon questioned if that was more of a City Manager perfor- <br /> mance goal. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed,but opined it could still also be an organizational goal. <br /> In previous discussions about top-down organizations and silos, Community De- <br /> velopment Director Bilotta opined that moving forward with a more customer- <br /> focused outcome desire, he saw that naturally occurring. Mr. Bilotta opined that <br /> the City Manager and Department Heads were already doing it in their roles (e.g. <br /> SE Roseville groups being formed and integration of other groups), and the only <br /> missing element was that they weren't written down. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon stated that he was still struggling in how to quantify it. <br /> With nothing yet listed under this category, Mr. Rapp expressed his surprise that <br /> effectiveness and efficiency improvements were highly desired as identified by <br /> participants,but there was nothing to respond to that desire yet. <br /> Community Development Director Bilotta argued that Item #2 will pick up some <br /> of that given the Roseville population, opining that staff didn't need to worry <br /> about not being efficient. <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred, opining that residents considered staff and the <br /> City Council to already be efficient as part of the current culture. <br />