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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 5 <br /> • Communication <br /> • Proactive <br /> • Timely/early <br /> • Process <br /> • Broad/inclusive <br /> • Valued <br /> Housing and Redevelopment <br /> • Variety/diversity—housing, redevelopment, commercial <br /> • Prepared for change <br /> • Reinvestment <br /> • Growth of tax base <br /> • Proactive <br /> • Job creation <br /> • Living wage jobs <br /> • Fulfills community needs (public assistance?) <br /> • Public safety considerations <br /> • Cost benefit ratio understood at the frontend <br /> Effective Governance <br /> • Process: consistent, transparent <br /> Councilmember Etten suggested using League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) references <br /> as a refresher/primer to make sure Roseville was following that process each time <br /> • Constructive <br /> • Clear decision-making <br /> • Timely decision-making <br /> • Decisive decision-making <br /> • Respectful <br /> • Forward looking <br /> • Thorough, fully-informed analysis <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted that while staff and Councilmembers were having <br /> ongoing conversations throughout the analysis and performing their due diligence, the <br /> community may not be aware of that, creating the need for a transparent and con- <br /> sistent continuum. <br /> • Acceptance of decisions (team based) <br /> Infrastructure Sustainability <br /> • Funding <br /> • Long-term planning <br />