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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 6 <br /> • Equipment, facilities, and in-ground <br /> • Accommodates change without extreme dollar fluctuation <br /> • Innovation <br /> • Reliability <br /> • Long life cycle <br /> • Matches community needs and values <br /> Mr. Rapp suggested a division on infrastructure issues is in the near term, or their per- <br /> formance period, with an emphasis on rehabilitation, maintenance and sustainability <br /> versus expansion and upgrading quality. Mr. Rapp noted it was not an either/or situa- <br /> tion, but a review of the City's biggest challenges. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the twenty-year capital improvement program (CIP) had al- <br /> ready allowed a lot of areas to be addressed. However, he noted the need to focus on <br /> some things without designated funding to-date (e.g. pathways). <br /> Councilmember McGehee referenced Community Development Director Bilotta's <br /> comments on amenities, and suggested looking at creating amenities where opportu- <br /> nities arise (e.g. development with sufficient land to build attractive retention ponds <br /> versus a lift station with a fence, or a handicapped bridge versus no access). <br /> • Address Current Deficits <br /> Organizational Effectiveness <br /> • Customer Intimacy <br /> • Inter-departmental cooperation <br /> • Adapting to change <br /> • Performance Measurement (e.g.program and service level prioritization) <br /> • Prioritizing our resources <br /> • Providing adequate funding <br /> Councilmember Willmus sought clarification from Finance Director Miller on what <br /> was intended by"performance measurement." <br /> Finance Director Miller responded that, if the City's desire is to move toward cus- <br /> tomer intimacy, how it would measure if it was reaching that goal. Mr. Miller ques- <br /> tioned if the intent was to start small and build from there; and in determining the ser- <br /> vices provided by the City, deciding if they were allocating resources accordingly. <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested this involved program and service level prioriti- <br /> zation, which was then added to "performance measurement." <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted centralized communications efforts recently imple- <br /> mented, and asked staff if they saw other areas needing the same efforts. <br />