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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Community Development Director Bilotta responded that there may be areas to cen- <br /> tralize, or others needing to be decentralized, depending on their application. <br /> Mr. Rapp noted that this could be combined with "Deploying our Resources" as ef- <br /> fectiveness and efficiency measures. <br /> On "Performance Measurement," Councilmember McGehee questioned if that divi- <br /> sion and organizational efficiency and organized customer service didn't fall under <br /> the purview of the City Manager to organize and experiment in decentralizing, while <br /> his management of that organizational structure or performance for the City Council <br /> was in determining the community's satisfaction level with that process by which it <br /> was governing the City. <br /> • Efficient and effective structures and resource use <br /> Again, Councilmember McGehee opined this was more up to the City Manager <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that the City Council was saying it was important, <br /> and it was up to the City Manager to sort it out. <br /> Councilmember McGehee disagreed, opining that it was different in this instance, <br /> since it spoke more to organizational effectiveness. <br /> Mr. Rapp stated that he didn't see a distinction, and under a Plan B form for munici- <br /> pal government, the City Council had its role as the governing board and provided <br /> guidance to the City Manager as the government's staff leader. Mr. Rapp noted that <br /> the City Council provided the City Manager with expectations, guidance and re- <br /> sources, but anything having to do with the organization ultimately came back to the <br /> City Council to determine if the City Manager was using those things given to him. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that historically, the City of Roseville had prob- <br /> lems with the City Council stepping in the role of managing staff; and stated that she <br /> constantly liked to remind everyone that this is the direction, but the performance <br /> measurement piece was needed for the City Council as well. <br /> Mr. Rapp clarified that he was not talking about micro-management, but some level <br /> of oversight while not stepping over that line. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte noted that yesterday's discussion had proven how im- <br /> portant and valuable leadership was. <br /> • Leadership, including Succession Planning <br /> City Manager Trudgeon addressed his definition of leadership innovation in how the <br /> organization approached things, as well as how it empowered those within the organ- <br /> ization to be leaders. <br />