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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 9 <br /> (Subgroup: Councilmember Etten and Community Development Director Bilotta and Po- <br /> lice Chief Mathwig) <br /> Effective Governance <br /> (Subgroup: Mayor Roe and Fire Chief O'Neill) <br /> Infrastructure Sustainability <br /> (Subgroup: Councilmember Willmus and Public Works Director Schwartz and Parks & <br /> Recreation Director Brokke) <br /> Organizational Effectiveness <br /> (Subgroup: Councilmember Laliberte and Finance Director Miller) <br /> Prior to break-out, Mr. Rapp responded to a written public question left by an audience <br /> member earlier in the morning, questioning his definition of "community." Mr. Rapp <br /> stated that he used that term in its broadest context and as it applied to any and all stake- <br /> holders involved with the City or Roseville (e.g. anyone with ties to Roseville, having in- <br /> vestment property in Roseville, a life-long resident, or any agency or other Roseville <br /> stakeholder). <br /> Groups started this exercise at approximately 1:00 p.m., with Mr. Rapp reiterating the <br /> goal of this step was to define a general theory of governance and how it worked. In clar- <br /> ifying this process, Mr. Rapp suggested the subgroups consider the following ownership <br /> and roles of stakeholders: <br /> City Council: owns purpose, direction, success definition and accountability <br /> Staff: owns action plans, methods and performance <br /> Shared: perspectives, creation and accountability <br /> Mr. Rapp suggested it would serve better to put out clear, outcomes/expectations or pur- <br /> poses by the City Council, and leaving it up to staff to work the rest out as indicated. <br /> Therefore, Mr. Rapp asked that the subgroups try to refrain themselves from problem <br /> solving and stick to strategy only, rather than getting bogged down in the"how." <br /> 5. Finalize Key Outcome Indicators <br /> Reports were provided by each subgroup, listing their interpretation of Key Outcome In- <br /> dicators (KOI's). <br /> Civic Engagement(Subgroup: Councilmember McGehee and City Manager Trudgeon) <br /> Priorities: Connection; Transparency; Authenticity; Communication; Proactive; Time- <br /> ly/early;Process;Broad/inclusive; Valued <br /> Key Outcome Indicators (KOI) <br /> Community Satisfaction <br /> Target: Some percentage (90%) expressing satisfaction with the process, not <br /> necessarily the outcome, but the process itself through responses to the periodic <br /> community survey. <br />