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Last modified
4/24/2015 10:06:45 AM
Creation date
4/24/2015 10:02:37 AM
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Public Works Commission
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80 advised that staff anticipated a discussion with the City Council at their April <br />81 Work session and was seeking input from the PWETC before that time. <br />82 <br />83 Mr. Schwartz reviewed the background of this program since it was initiated in <br />84 the 1970 subsequent to the state-wide burning ban, and noted that Roseville was <br />85 one of the only cities in the metropolitan area offering such a service. Mr. <br />86 Schwartz further noted the change to a fee-based service in 1998, dramatically <br />87 reducing annual participation from approximately 4,500 participants prior to that <br />88 time. The City Council has adopted a 2015 fee of $55 per property to fully cover <br />89 the cost of the program, Mr. Schwartz advised that drop in registrations has <br />90 occurred at the same time we are seeing an incre esidential use of the City's <br />91 recycling site. <br />92 <br />93 Mr. Schwartz noted that among the challenges with aosts of the program <br />94 include weather due to short window available for the es, typically three <br />95 weeks, while requiring having sufficient resources available to stay on schedule. <br />96 Mr. Schwartz advised that this requires most of the street division staff in addition <br />97 to temporary labor for clean-up raking; and in some years making it difficult to <br />98 meet customer expectations based on those challenges. <br />99 <br />100 Regarding the decline in participants from 2000 to 2014, Mr. Schwartz reported <br />101 that it had been reduced from 2,313 registered users to 694 users. Mr. Schwartz <br />102 noted that there was an impact to the City's stormwater system if leaves are not <br />103 disposed of properly, but advised that residents were finding alternatives to the <br />104 City's leaf pickup program. <br />105 <br />106 Mr. Schwartz advised that total program costs for 2014 were $88,696 with 694 <br />107 participants, or approximately 7% of the City's single-family residents; with <br />108 trequired <br />9,325 in user fees collected. For 2014, Mr. Schwartz advised that the total cost <br />109 a significant storm utility subsidy due to bad weather. <br />110 <br />111scussion included the cost of the program defined by the number of <br />112 participants, as well as administrative and preparation costs, and the need to <br />113 increase fees as the number of users decreases to cover actual costs of the <br />114 program (e.g. equipment). <br />115 <br />116 Further discussion included City Code violation for leaves raked onto City streets; <br />117 whether or not more leaves ended up in the wastewater system from leaving them <br />118 on boulevards while waiting for pickup and depending on weather conditions. <br />119 <br />120 At the request of Chair Stenlund, Mr. Schwartz advised that staff had not yet <br />121 determined the demographics (e.g. elderly residents) using the program and <br />122 whether or not they would be significantly impacted if the program were <br />123 eliminated. Mr. Schwartz did advise that staff had observed that typical smaller <br />124 and less treed lots did not use the program as much as those larger area lots with <br />125 more trees. <br />Page 3 of 17 <br />
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