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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 13, 2015 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Request for Council Action (RCA) and related attachments, dated March 23, <br /> 2015. <br /> Willmus moved, Etten seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11216 (Attachment <br /> A) entitled, "Resolution Governing an Appeal by G & G Management, LLC, Re- <br /> garding Rental License Classification Pursuant to Chapter 908 of City Code;" <br /> denying the appeal of staff s administrative ruling for rental licenses issued for <br /> 175, 195, 221 Larpenteur Avenue W; 1722, 1725, 1735, 1736 Woodbridge Court; <br /> and 1720, 1735, 1740, 1745 and 1750 Marion Street. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee, Willmus, Laliberte, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 9. Consider Items Removed from Consent <br /> 10. General Ordinances for Adoption <br /> 11. Presentations <br /> 12. Public Hearings <br /> 13. Budget Items <br /> 14. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> 15. Business Items—Presentations/Discussions <br /> a. Roseville Deer Population Discussion <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Parks & Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke briefly <br /> summarized this topic as previously presented to the City Council and public tes- <br /> timony heard at that time, with a recommendation by the Park & Recreation <br /> Commission on March 9, 2015 for a wildlife management plan/ordinance for Ro- <br /> seville. Mr. Brokke provided a brief presentation on the history of the deer popu- <br /> lation issue and deer inventory and previous discussion as detailed in the attach- <br /> ments to the RCA dated April 13, 2015. Mr. Brokke advised that Ramsey County <br /> had a deer population inventory for the last decade; noted varying opinions about <br /> whether or not to control the deer population or reviewed other mitigation op- <br /> tions. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte sought clarification as to the DNR's rationale in their <br /> carrying capacity criteria for a 9-15 count deer herd. <br /> Mr. Brokke responded that this was based on a standard habitat criteria guide used <br /> by the DNR. <br />