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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 13, 2015 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Mayor Roe noted that base criteria would be considered as part of any ordinance <br /> in determining whether or not to pursue a hunt. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Brokke identified those neighbor- <br /> ing communities with or without a controlled hunt of some type in place. Mr. <br /> Brokke advised that the Cities of New Brighton, St. Anthony, Falcon Heights, <br /> Lauderdale, and Arden Hills did not have an ordinance; while the Cities of St. <br /> Paul, Little Canada, Shoreview and Maplewood did have an ordinance. Mr. <br /> Brokke further clarified that the City of New Brighton was currently studying the <br /> situation similar to the process for Roseville; and while the City of Arden Hills <br /> did not have an ordinance, they were under the auspices of Ramsey County <br /> through their ownership of the TCAAP property, but not a specific City policy. <br /> In terms of surrounding communities and how they participate in conjunction <br /> with Ramsey County, Mayor Roe questioned how they functioned in managing <br /> their deer inventories within Ramsey County. <br /> Mr. Brokke responded that all or most of Ramsey County communities participate <br /> in the deer inventory and other communities were coming on board if not previ- <br /> ously involved in the inventory process. If there is a Ramsey County park within <br /> a community providing a mechanism to do so, Mr. Brokke advised that Ramsey <br /> County would handle herd management, otherwise it was up to individual city ju- <br /> risdictions. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Preliminary to his review of protocol for public testimony, Mayor Roe noted that <br /> previous public input had been received by the City Council in the recent past, as <br /> well as formally at a public hearing at the Parks & Recreation Commission level. <br /> However, Mayor Roe advised that he did not want to discourage additional com- <br /> ments tonight, but clarified that previous comments had been provided to the City <br /> Council as part of their review process as well. <br /> Roger Toogood, 601 Terrace Court <br /> Mr. Toogood noted that he had the opportunity and privilege to testify before the <br /> Parks & Recreation Commission, as well as the City Council, and expressed ap- <br /> preciation for the thorough job done by staff, the Commission and City Council in <br /> researching this issue. <br /> While having no new information to offer, Mr. Toogood advised that he served as <br /> the volunteer point person for his neighborhood and had just today received two <br /> contacts from residents about the deer population. Mr. Toogood opined that there <br /> appeared to be continued support for the City Council to act on the Commission's <br /> recommendation. Mr. Toogood stated that he was here to represent a large group <br /> of those residents hoping the City Council would adopt two ordinances: one out- <br /> lawing the feeding of deer and another indicating if the ratio of deer exceeds a <br />