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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 13,2015 <br /> Page 5 <br /> certain point after a two year monitoring period, steps be taken to harvest a por- <br /> tion of that herd. <br /> Mr. Toogood underlined his unique position that he liked deer and enjoyed seeing <br /> them, while also recognizing concerns of many of residents who had spoken to <br /> him, testified or written to the City Council voicing various aspects and their <br /> many concerns. <br /> Lisa McCormick,2612 North Wheeler Street <br /> Ms. McCormick expressed appreciation for Mr. Brokke's presentation; and <br /> sought clarification on how the DNR established .77 acres to determine carrying <br /> capacity for deer habitat for Roseville. Ms. McCormick also questioned the map <br /> showing areas of deer populations at Langton Lake Park and Reservoir woods <br /> acreage, and only representing less than one square mile, seeming inaccurate from <br /> her perspective. Ms. McCormick asked who established the carrying capacity, <br /> and suggested a joint effort of the Parks & Recreation and Public Works, Envi- <br /> ronment and Transportation Commission would be helpful. <br /> Jim Bull,3061 Woodbridge Street <br /> Mr. Bull advised that he enjoyed deer, with his property backing up to Lady Slip- <br /> per Park, and would not dispute the actual deer population. However, Mr. Bull <br /> expressed concern in language for the proposed ordinance, especially the carrying <br /> capacity per square mile. In his review of nine years of statistics, Mr. Bull noted <br /> he had observed an average of 45 deer, with no complaints documented until <br /> 2014; and asked that the City Council take those numbers into consideration at the <br /> higher capacity of 45 versus reducing carrying capacity to 9— 15 deer. <br /> Mr. Bull stated that his biggest concern was the definition of wildlife and feeding <br /> restrictions as indicated in the model ordinance, and what impacts that may have <br /> on feeding song birds, hummingbirds, and/or koi fish. Mr. Bull asked that any fu- <br /> ture ordinance restricting necessary management do so without impacting other <br /> areas not needing that management, opining that feeding deer by some residents <br /> was creating the actual problem in this area. <br /> As a bow hunter for over forty years, Mr. Bull expressed concern that a deer <br /> could be shot with a clean shot and still wander off, and he did not want to see <br /> wounded deer wandering into residential yards. If a decision is made down the <br /> line to authorize a hunt, Mr. Bull recommended it be done with a sharp shooter <br /> versus a bow hunt to avoid these issues. <br /> Timothy Callaghan,3062 Shorewood Lane <br /> Mr. Callaghan opined that while some people fed deer directly, others did so in- <br /> advertently from the overflow to the ground from their bird feeders. When short <br /> of food, Mr. Callaghan stated this was very attractive to deer, and while we ask <br />