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Special City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 27, 2015 <br /> Page 8 <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Ms. Ryan advised that while the <br /> need for more physical space was an ongoing topic of conversation and evalua- <br /> tion, it was still under consideration as to how best to accomplish it. <br /> Since transactions have increased by 11% over the last five years, but the number <br /> of employees have not increased since 2008, Councilmember Laliberte questioned <br /> if total FTE's had changed during that time. <br /> Ms. Ryan responded that they had not, other than an additional part-time person, <br /> but not new FTE's, as positions have fluctuated among current staff versus any <br /> increase in hours/week. <br /> If a dedicated employee was provided to work specifically with auto dealerships, <br /> Councilmember Laliberte questioned if current staffing would be restructured. <br /> Ms. Ryan responded that this is the Center's major priority going forward for suc- <br /> cession planning and day-to-day operations. If the 2016 budget provides those <br /> requested budget priorities, Ms. Ryan advised that then once they were on board, <br /> this would allow staff to look restructuring the operation. <br /> If additional FTE's were available, Councilmember Laliberte asked if there would <br /> be an expansion in hours, including evenings. <br /> Ms. Ryan and Ms. Wrzos responded that they would be open to either, whether <br /> for the general public or auto dealerships. Ms. Ryan advised that currently, due to <br /> staffing constraints and the need to serve the general public, they did not allow <br /> auto dealerships to come in on Saturdays, but could do so if and when additional <br /> staffing was available to offer that opportunity. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Ms. Ryan and Ms. Wrzos confirmed <br /> that, if more marketing was done for the retail/consumer base for the License <br /> Center, they could handle increased business under this proposed plan; with dis- <br /> cussions already held accordingly. <br /> Information Technology (IT) Network Manager Terre Heiser and IT Sup- <br /> port Supervisor Veronica Koes <br /> Mr. Heiser introduced Ms. Veronica Koes in her role as IT Support Supervisor, a <br /> change approved by the City Council last year allowing the IT Department to de- <br /> fine service responsibilities for operations and services. Mr. Heiser briefly sum- <br /> marized the Departments SWOT analysis and development of their strategic plan. <br /> Mr. Heiser noted, under strengths, the greatest strength was identified as the part- <br /> nership and cooperation of the joint powers agreements (JPA's) within the IT Di- <br /> vision with 41 service agreements in place with other communities and agencies, <br /> allowing the City of Roseville to maintain a more diverse and stronger staff than <br />