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Last modified
6/19/2015 9:24:57 AM
Creation date
6/19/2015 9:21:49 AM
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Public Works Commission
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353 noted that, if stormwater runoff preventions were not addressed, everyone would <br />354 pay the consequences. <br />355 <br />356 Mr. Johnson responded that Capitol Region Watershed District was taking the <br />357 initiative and lead role on the Como drainage area, and therefore, were also bearing <br />358 the brunt of those costs. For Langton Lake which is in the Rice Creek Watershed <br />359 District, most contributing water is from the Rosewood neighborhood flowing <br />360 north. Mr. Johnson advised that all of the area involved in Rosedale provided a <br />361 huge phosphorus contributor due to the extensive impervious asphalt surfaces. <br />362 Therefore, Mr. Johnson noted that anything addre§,IWg that area through treating <br />363 water in the broader area had a big bang for the buck and represented significant <br />364 cost benefits. Mr. Johnson noted the major accomplishments by addressing that <br />365 compared to smaller efforts with individual residential properties around Langton <br />366 Lake that, while removing a pound or two of phosphorus loading may not prove as <br />367 beneficial as something larger at Rosedale that could remov 60 pounds or more. <br />368 <br />369 Mr. Johnson offered to work with other agencies specifically orts surrounding <br />370 Langton Lake, if so directed to do so. <br />371 <br />372 Member Cihacek, opining that this invol ed passive versus reacti e measures, <br />373 questioned whether it was beneficial to seek assistance from those agencies; and <br />374 asked what was currently being done to address the issues at Rosedale and their <br />375 accountability from those educational outreaches versus them continuing to be a <br />376 passive player. <br />377 <br />378 Mr. Johnson advised that in the end, it all came down to cost and the limited <br />able. <br />380 � <br />379 resources avail <br />� Nk <br />381 To that point a�n���lllld somewhat reactive in nature, Mr. Culver noted that the biggest <br />382 opportunities were often triggered by the more stringent stormwater management <br />383 rules now in place for any redevelopment or expansion of a site. Mr. Culver noted <br />384 that the City often had more stringent triggers in place than even those required by <br />385 the watershed districts. Using Rosedale as an example, Mr. Culver advised that <br />386 there may be a future opportunity to accomplish something significant related to <br />387 stormwater control measures; however, the biggest hurdle was often land <br />388 acquisition to accomplish that goal. If the City wants to be proactive, Mr. Culver <br />389 opined that it was difficult for the City to expect private business to do something <br />390 unless required to do so, such as through redevelopment when they are mandated <br />391 to address it. While not always a guarantee, and often requiring more land or an <br />392 underground system, Mr. Culver noted that City Code is more stringent than in the <br />393 past, and is as proactive as possible based on those circumstances. <br />394 <br />395 Even with public improvement projects, Mr. Culver advised that the City had been <br />396 very aggressive to-date in finding opportunities for linear stormwater treatment, <br />397 using the Victoria Street project as another great example in addressing problems <br />398 as they come forward. <br />Page 9 of 18 <br />
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