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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,June 22,2015 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested a project template going forward, with min- <br /> imal tweaking and similar to the Dale Street process, that would go a long way <br /> toward civic engagement and organizational effectiveness. While understanding <br /> the need to do so as part of the budget process and allowing Department Heads to <br /> know City Council expectations for major focus items, Councilmember McGehee <br /> noted there were other policy issues for departments. <br /> Councilmember Etten <br /> Councilmember Etten expressed appreciation of many of the ideas expressed in <br /> Councilmember Laliberte's "white paper," and suggested taking items and mak- <br /> ing revisions that would essentially prioritize those priorities. Councilmember Et- <br /> ten stated that he really liked Councilmember Laliberte's idea of having fewer <br /> priorities and monthly updates, even perhaps some quarterly as applicable, but <br /> keeping them in front of the City. Councilmember Etten clarified that the purpose <br /> is not meant to direct all city operations and services, but those few areas the City <br /> Council wanted to specifically focus on. <br /> Councilmember Etten opined that housing and redevelopment was important for <br /> Roseville as the market continued to improve and the City to transition. Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten also spoke in support of the need to look at how to task advisory <br /> commissions and boards with meaningful activities. Specific to housing and re- <br /> development efforts, Councilmember Etten opined that this was largely up to the <br /> HRA and City Council working together to flesh out the targets and strategic ini- <br /> tiatives currently listed on the right side of the document; with continual adjust- <br /> ment over time as citizens and advisory commissions bring new information for- <br /> ward for the City Council's and HRA's attention. <br /> Specific to civic engagement, Councilmember Etten suggested changing the stra- <br /> tegic priority to "Community Outreach." Councilmember Etten noted that the <br /> CEC had already been tasked with many of these items, and had asked to be given <br /> the opportunity to address them in this important role. While supporting volun- <br /> teer opportunities, Councilmember Etten noted the need for more public input <br /> about how to get more new people involved. <br /> Noting his total support of participation by underrepresented groups in the com- <br /> munity, Councilmember Etten noted the need to continually and further address <br /> immigrant populations and apartment dwellers as part of that process and as a vi- <br /> tal part of the community. Councilmember Etten opined that those initiatives <br /> could be addressed as part of the role of advisory boards and commissions. <br /> Regarding infrastructure sustainability, Councilmember Etten opined that it fell <br /> into so many departments, and under the adopted CIP. Councilmember Etten <br /> opined that from his perspective, updating the CIP and adopting those updates in <br /> 2016 from the original 2012 document was a necessary step and would provide a <br /> more accurate document with those updates four years after inception. <br />