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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13, 2015 <br /> Page 13 <br /> those public participation goals and the promise to the public included ranges be- <br /> tween informing to consulting, involving, collaborating, and empowering— all in- <br /> creasing impacts on the decision and using various tools depending on the type of <br /> engagement involved. <br /> Mayor Roe concluded by highlighting his and Councilmember Laliberte's rec- <br /> ommendations to the City Council moving forward: <br /> • Determining the role of the CEC in the process to inventory the current situa- <br /> tion; <br /> • Coming up with values or principles that are Roseville specific; <br /> • Looking at various spectrums to identify the engagement process and where <br /> it's at in that spectrum; <br /> • Determining how stakeholders can be involved, and recommendations for that <br /> process moving forward, using the SE Roseville situation as one example cur- <br /> rently underway and what additional components were still needed; <br /> • How to create that public engagement process going forward, and adopted by <br /> the City Council, as future projects (e.g. Comprehensive Plan Update and/or <br /> Community Visioning Update) come forward with the CEC reviewing and <br /> becoming stewards of that process. <br /> Already knowing the City will be involved in the Comprehensive Plan Update <br /> and Community Visioning Update, Councilmember Laliberte stated she would <br /> look to the CEC to work with applicable commissions to review how it was done <br /> last time, determine whether or not it worked, and whether to repeat that past <br /> practice or develop a revised process, and make recommendations to the City <br /> Council accordingly. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this represented a very broad summary of over one and <br /> one-half days of information provided to him and Councilmember Laliberte. <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed thoughts from the City Council going forward and inform- <br /> ing decisions, such as the next agenda item, and how these principles may fit. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed appreciation for the materials presented; and <br /> agreed with Councilmember Laliberte's identification of a current City Council <br /> weakness in recognizing public comment. Councilmember McGehee asked if, <br /> when asking for public participation, the City Council was committed to the pro- <br /> cess to engage citizen participation and their expectations of that process, and in <br /> listening to that comment rather than a simple "thank you" but simply proceeding <br /> with an already determined plan of action. Councilmember McGehee spoke in <br /> support of the CEC, with collaboration of staff, in developing an assessment tool <br /> to then allow assessment, whether by the community, the City Council or an out- <br /> side party. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that he was not suggesting the CEC take on the sole role of <br /> assessor, but to collaborate as experts on community engagement; and providing a <br />