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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13, 2015 <br /> Page 15 <br /> since people respond to visuals, she suggested using graphics to clearly identify <br /> the whole continuum and current status, such as is done in Planning Commission <br /> land use situations as part of the front page of each staff report, providing a clear <br /> picture of expectations. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, noting that not only identified where the process or project <br /> was at in the spectrum, but also created a promise to participants and a timeline <br /> for decision-making. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Gary Grefenberg, CEC Commissioner <br /> Having worked on community engagement for over ten years, originally emanat- <br /> ing from his service on an Imagine Roseville 2025 Task Force, Mr. Grefenberg <br /> expressed his appreciation for this information and the direction being taken by <br /> the City at this point. Speaking on behalf of the CEC, Mr. Grefenberg opined that <br /> the CEC would like to actively partner with the City Council and staff. Mr. Gre- <br /> fenberg noted his belief in the City's current staff and their commitment, but <br /> opined that commitment needed to be emulated and reflected in some of the de- <br /> partments and long-term staff. Mr. Grefenberg opined that, when this information <br /> was initially provided by Mayor Roe and Councilmember Laliberte to the CEC, <br /> he had been overwhelmed. Based on his initial response, Mr. Grefenberg opined <br /> that it could not be a total initiative of the CEC, but should receive devoted atten- <br /> tion by staff and a buy-in at staff's higher echelons in addressing it as a challenge. <br /> Mr. Grefenberg further suggested the City Council's commitment of financial re- <br /> sources, whether through a consultant or other tool, or by allowing an intern to <br /> work with the CEC and staff liaison above and beyond a commitment of financial <br /> resources. Mr. Grefenberg thanked the City Council for reaching this real, au- <br /> thentic effort for engagement, and publically acknowledged it as a direct result of <br /> the leadership of City Manager Trudgeon and this City Council. Mr. Grefenberg <br /> reiterated that the CEC could not be the leader, but was eager to serve as a junior <br /> partner to these community engagement efforts. <br /> Theresa Gardella, CEC Commissioner <br /> Ms. Gardella recognized references by Councilmember Laliberte to her work for <br /> the CEC on definitions and distinctions, prefacing that on why it was important <br /> for the community in looking at values and principles, whether for civic participa- <br /> tion or community engagement and measuring whatever goals the City Council <br /> decides upon. Ms. Gardella noted the need to be accountable, or have assessment <br /> tools in place moving forward; opining it was of value to the CEC's work and the <br /> City as well. Ms. Gardella echoed the partnership comments of Mr. Grefenberg, <br /> noting the CEC could only go so far. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Ms. Gardella provided her defini- <br /> tions as referenced. <br /> • Community Engagement: A broader term including lots of different strategies, <br /> including civic engagement or participation rooted in relationships to provide <br />