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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13,2015 <br /> Page 3 <br /> City Manager Trudgeon continued with the presentation, including percentage in- <br /> creases in levy and non-levy areas specific to projected spending and comparisons <br /> with the 2015 budget and actual expenditures to-date. Mr. Trudgeon noted the <br /> majority of increases were due to capital costs and personnel services. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon further addressed additional spending allotted for the Capital Improve- <br /> ment Program (CIP) beyond that originally programmed or planned based on re- <br /> vised needs and projections. Mr. Trudgeon noted that 60% of the 2016 budget <br /> was represented in CIP spending, and 40%toward the operating tax levy increase. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon addressed each proposed area, including a proposed in- <br /> crease in the cost of living adjustment (COLA) of 2% for employees as per the <br /> previously-adopted City Council policy based on the consumer price index (CPI) <br /> and Minneapolis/St. Paul ECI using current data, which will be adjusted as the <br /> year progresses, with 211d quarter numbers scheduled for release the end of July. <br /> Discussion included local versus national CPI data, with Finance Director Miller <br /> advising that they were comparable; and City Manager Trudgeon advising that <br /> both will be reviewed as the year progresses for accuracy. However, City Man- <br /> ager Trudgeon encouraged the City Council to support a 2% COLA for employ- <br /> ees for consistency with union employees and to remain competitive in the mar- <br /> ketplace with peer communities and retention efforts of experienced employees. <br /> In his recommendation for seven new full-time equivalent (FTE) employee posi- <br /> tions as outlined in the RCA, City Manager Trudgeon reviewed each, rationale for <br /> each position, and how those positions would be funded and levy impacts for each <br /> position as well as those positions proposed from non-levy funds. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon advised that, even though requested by individual de- <br /> partments during their previous presentations, he was not recommending the posi- <br /> tions for a mental health impact police officer, or that of an intern for the admin- <br /> istration department. While both positions had merit, Mr. Trudgeon noted that he <br /> was not recommending them at this time. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon advised that, after having seriously taken each of the fol- <br /> lowing requests into consideration from initial department requests, he had not in- <br /> cluded the following requests in this 2016 City Manager Recommended Budget: <br /> • Police Department request for a mental health impact officer <br /> • Administration Department request for an Intern position <br /> • Parks & Recreation Department request for additional emerald ash borer <br /> (EAB) funding <br /> • Fire and Park & Recreation Department requests for additional building man- <br /> agement services for the Fire Station and Skating Center (deferred for another <br /> year with review for the 2017 budget, and allowing more opportunity to see <br /> how this arrangement is working with McGough Facility Services <br />