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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13,2015 <br /> Page 5 <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, City Manager Trudgeon confirmed that the project- <br /> ed costs for the City of Roseville for the new staff positions was inclusive of ben- <br /> efits, not just salary. <br /> In his recommendation for using reserves, City Manager Trudgeon advised that he <br /> was proposing the use of$375,000 in General Fund reserves to moderate the 2016 <br /> levy increase. While he recognized this was not a sustainable practice long-term, <br /> Mr. Trudgeon noted this would leave that reserve fund at 37% projected, in line <br /> with the City Council policy of holding reserves between 35% and 45%. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon publically acknowledged the work of Department Heads <br /> and their respective staffs in allowing reductions for the 2016 budget from the <br /> 2015 budget as outlined in the RCA. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included projected retirement of the <br /> current Fire Marshal in 2016 and planned staffing of that position by adding those <br /> duties to one of the Battalion Chief positions based on their expertise; continued <br /> elimination of the Fire Inspector position and Fleet/Facilities Superintendent posi- <br /> tions as addressed in 2015; clarification that the $419,000 identified as additional <br /> expenditures in the 2016 property tax-supported budget did not include transfers, <br /> nor were they specific to line item expenses. <br /> Further discussion included the eliminated request for medical supplies clarified <br /> as those over and above current supplies replenished as required from Allina to <br /> the Fire Department; and clarification of the tax levy and impact projected for <br /> homeowners (lines 175 — 183 of the RCA) based only on the City portion of the <br /> tax bill and for a median value home, at this time verified by Finance Director <br /> Miller at $216,000. <br /> In conclusion, City Manager Trudgeon reviewed identified priorities and goals as <br /> they connected to the proposed 2016 budget and tax levy through growing non- <br /> property tax revenues through expansion of City business enterprises; through <br /> leveraging partnerships to reduce costs while increasing productivity; by reorgan- <br /> izing service delivery to more efficiently utilize tax dollars and lessen future <br /> costs; and through the strategic use of reserve funds. Mr. Trudgeon advised that a <br /> lot of staff focus and hard work had gone into this proposed budget; and from his <br /> perspective, opined it was the absolute minimum moving forward and represented <br /> staff's best efforts in identifying what was needed to continue to operate realisti- <br /> cally. While recognizing there may be some desire to further lower those num- <br /> bers, Mr. Trudgeon opined it would hurt service delivery, and noted that if the <br /> levy capital increases were factored out, an increase of only 1.4% was identified <br /> in the operational portion of the budget. Mr. Trudgeon noted that past City Coun- <br /> cil directives, targets, and discussions had driven development of this recom- <br /> mended budget. <br />