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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13, 2015 <br /> Page 6 <br /> City Manager Trudgeon reviewed the next steps in the 2016 budget process and <br /> projected timelines: <br /> Date Next Step <br /> July 14,2015 Presentation of City Manager Recommended 2016 Budget to the Finance <br /> Commission <br /> August 10,2015 Public hearing at the City Council <br /> August 11 Public hearing at the Finance Commission <br /> August 17,2015 Joint meeting of the City Council and Finance Commission <br /> September 14,2015* City Council adoption of the 2016 Preliminary Budget and Levy <br /> October 19,2015 City Council discussion on a 2016 Final Budget and levy <br /> November 30,2015 Final City Council discussion of 2016 Budget/Levy <br /> December 7,2015 City Council Adoption of 2016 Budget,Levy,Utility Rates,and Fees <br /> *City Manager Trudgeon noted that there had been no legislative changes affecting the Housing& <br /> Redevelopment Authority(HRA)budget and levy, so a Preliminary Levy would need to be adopt- <br /> ed on September 14,and a Final on December 7,2015. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe specific to potential levy impacts for 2016, City <br /> Manager Trudgeon advised that final analysis based on actual costs and projec- <br /> tions for 2016 were still pending as specific to utility fees. While recognizing that <br /> spending in several of those utilities had decreased, Mr. Trudgeon noted that <br /> whenever utility fees were used to fund a position, it increased fees proportional- <br /> ly. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus regarding the impact to homeowners <br /> (RCA page 4), Mayor Roe and City Manager Trudgeon identified and clarified <br /> for the public the different percentage increases and average taxpayer impacts <br /> used based on levy and dollar increases. Mr. Trudgeon noted the percentage to <br /> pay attention to at this time was the projected levy increase of 3.65% from 2015 <br /> to 2016. At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Finance Director Miller fur- <br /> ther clarified the 2015 budgeted amount for COLA was 1.4%; and confirmed that <br /> at this point in 2015, the CPI was flat based on May figures until updated as pre- <br /> viously noted. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she still had a problem with the budget pro- <br /> cess, and read through the 2016 CIP expenses per department, but not yet vetted <br /> by staff, the City Council or the public. Councilmember McGehee opined that <br /> this happened every year in not performing that vetting until later in the process <br /> and usually immediately before the final levy is adopted and not allowing for any <br /> meaningful dialogue or consideration about funding, creating misperceptions or <br /> misunderstanding of what is or is not being funded based on those last-minute up- <br /> dates, or pulling funding from reserves. Councilmember McGehee proposed that <br /> this practice no longer be continued to avoid getting the City in the same fix it <br /> was in eight years ago when the CIP had to be recreated. With this CIP document <br /> providing a clear, long-term projection of CIP costs, not just a "wish list," Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee suggested it be addressed as part of the first budget glimpse <br /> allowing for ongoing transparency in line with the budget process and City Coun- <br />