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City Council Meeting Minutes
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8/10/2015 3:20:20 PM
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Roseville City Council
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 13, 2015 <br /> Page 7 <br /> cil policy. Councilmember McGehee opined that the City's governance would be <br /> better served by not fixing a levy percentage before incorporating CIP infor- <br /> mation early in the budget process. <br /> Regarding the budget in general, Councilmember McGehee expressed apprecia- <br /> tion for and opined that this was the best presentation she'd seen as far as clarity; <br /> and not just how it's always been done which was not always the best way. By <br /> including the CIP, utility charges, and other fees as part of this initial thought pro- <br /> cess before November, Councilmember McGehee opined it would provide a bet- <br /> ter picture of the total potential impact on homeowners, and would keep that im- <br /> pact in the picture earlier in the game. Councilmember McGehee suggested it be- <br /> come the practice for staff to vet the CIP, utilities and fees, as part of presenting <br /> numbers to the City Council and Finance Committee before moving forward in <br /> the process. <br /> Specific to the CIP, City Manager Trudgeon clarified that the numbers provided <br /> in the CIP are those based on previous City Council discussions and therefore <br /> programmed in accordingly. Mr. Trudgeon advised that the intent was to provide <br /> opportunities in August to dig deeper into the CIP for accuracy and timing up- <br /> dates, but the proposed CIP budget currently reflects those past discussions and <br /> decisions. Mr. Trudgeon acknowledged Councilmember McGehee's desire to <br /> have information available earlier for the total package driving the budget and <br /> level, as well as the total cost of utilities. <br /> Specific to CIP funding, Mayor Roe noted it was made up of two-parts: those <br /> things needed for purchase next year, and the long term costs that need to be <br /> funded from the tax levy. Mayor Roe noted it wasn't a"one for one"deal, and as <br /> an example, the 2015 CIP funding had been saved for over the last few years <br /> similar to a savings account. Mayor Roe noted an apparent disconnect between <br /> the initial annual $398,000 projected over the next twenty years was currently on- <br /> ly a best guess, and additional dollars were added in 2015, as they would be going <br /> forward in the future to adjust that savings account adequately fund those items as <br /> they're updated annually. <br /> Councilmember McGehee clarified that she was talking about the levy funding <br /> needed to support those line items annually; and the need to review them to de- <br /> termine their accuracy and whether the $398,000 set aside is sufficient. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred that, at this point in the budget process, understanding and <br /> vetting utility fees and other fees, as well as the CIP, would be beneficial earlier <br /> on based on the most up-to-date information. Mayor Roe noted this may suggest <br /> that, as the Finance Commission reviews the budget schedule, adjustments may <br /> be required for the 2017 process that would incorporate the CIP and fee schedule <br /> by this time in 2016. <br />
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