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City Council Meeting Minutes
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9/25/2015 4:08:47 PM
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9/23/2015 1:44:58 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 14, 2015 <br />Page 11 <br />Human Resources Manager Eldona Bacon provided renewal infonnation for City <br />einployee insurance benefits as detailed in the RCA dated Septeinber 14, 2015. <br />Ms. Bacon advised that initially the City had anticipated a 10% increase in health <br />insurance premiums, subsequently coming in at 9%, and through negotiations <br />ended up with a 7.92% increase, happily less than anticipated, but inore than had <br />been experienced over the last five years. Ms. Bacon reported that the average in- <br />crease in the pool was averaging 14% with a high of 22%, so expressed satisfac- <br />tion with this lower renewal rate. As noted in the RCA, Ms. Bacon reported that <br />with Affordable Care Act information computed, it created an overall increase of <br />8.45% for health insurance coverage; with a 5% increase for the cafeteria plan as <br />anticipated in the City Manager recommended budget presentation, and a 3% in- <br />crease in dental coverage with no plan design changes for either health or dental. <br />Given the substantial increase of 38% in the expiring 3-year contract for LTD and <br />Life Insurance, Ms. Bacon advised that staff had gone out on bid to the marlcet- <br />place for those coverages, resulting in Cigna returning a three-year contract with <br />premiums decreased for base life by 40% and long-term disability decreasing by <br />23%. Ms. Bacon noted there would be some slight plan design change for long- <br />term disability indicating a continued job return opportunity at three years versus <br />five years, but a change that had not been utilized by the City during her fifteen <br />year tenure. Ms. Bacon reported that the change to Cigna should be seamless for <br />employees, and allow a decrease in what the City pays, resulting in a$53,300 to- <br />tal financial impact for the cafeteria plan and within the City Manager's recom- <br />mended budget for the 2016 calendar year. <br />Mayor Roe sought clarification if the $53,300 represented a net cost after taking <br />into account the LTD and Life insurance savings. <br />Ms. Bacon responded that it did not since those came froin two separate budget <br />areas, and the cafeteria/health insurance side with dental would result in the <br />$53,300 cost with savings resulting in a different budgeted area; but resulting in <br />net numbers under the overall arching umbrella or broader picture. <br />At the request of Councilmember Etten, Ms. Bacon reviewed how the City paid <br />toward various tiers of coverage for single, single plus one, and family coverage, <br />with past practice being to keep single coverage whole for those employees using <br />that tier. <br />Understanding that this information needed to be input in the HRIS system to fa- <br />cilitate renewal options for employees, Councilmember Laliberte questioned if <br />there was sufficient time to allow a look at other communities for their infor= <br />ination and percentages of premiums paid by those municipalities. <br />City Manager Trudgeon reported that Ms. Bacon had researched that infonnation <br />and had it available to disseminate to the City Council if they so desired it. <br />
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