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City Council Meeting Minutes
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11/24/2015 1:37:01 PM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 19, 2015 <br />Page 11 <br />move this function from Ms. Anfang internally to an existing employee, based on <br />the steps taken to gain efficiencies. <br />City Manager Trudgeon advised that staff would provide that additional infor- <br />mation to the City Council in more detail, but as a preliininary response noted <br />that, while communications efforts had been retooled for a inore centralized ap- <br />proach, a lot of communication worlc continued to be done on a department level. <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted this was especially evident in the Parks & Recreation De- <br />partment given their annual recreation programs; and many of their employees <br />going beyond the capacity of a nor�nal work day. Mr. Trudgeon noted that the <br />communication efforts in that department had been streamlined somewhat. <br />However, City Manager Trudgeon advised that while the coinmunications efforts <br />had been restructured, he could not equate that to a significant dollar savings. In <br />order to do so, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he would have to talce all communica- <br />tion efforts away. Mr. Trudgeon recognized that Councilmember Laliberte had <br />asked this question in the past, but also recognized that the City was also doing <br />more cominunicating than in the past, therefore, he couldn't identify anything <br />specific for cost savings, even though he and staff continued to look to further <br />evolve those efforts, but it was a challenge in defining actual dollars. Specific to <br />the Parks & Recreation Department, Mr. Trudgeon reported that he and Parlcs & <br />Recreation Director Lonnie Brolcke continually discussed how to address staffing <br />issLies; and advised that to-date no other sohition or staff capacity had been found <br />beyond part-time staff to address this need. <br />Based on his recollection in approving the coinmunication reorganization, Mayor <br />Roe stated that it was not intended to necessarily free up Parks & Recreation staff <br />and time, but simply bringing them bacic down to the work level of what their job <br />description actually entailed before that additional work had been added, or in <br />other words back to a sane level. <br />As part of a fiiture discussion and in requesting adclitional staff information, <br />Councilmember Willmus asked for a historical full-time employee (FTE) count <br />and trending over the last few years for the Parks & Recreation Department. <br />Specific to the proposed new passport supervisor and auto dealer license specialist <br />positions, Councilmeinber Laliberte noted that creating new positions would not <br />necessarily create additional businesses. Therefore, Councilmeinber Laliberte <br />asked staff to provide additional information showing ideas for pursuing memo- <br />randums of understanding (MOU's) or agreeinents with automobile dealers or au- <br />to rental companies or other options to know those agreements or commitments <br />from auto dealerships are in-hand before adding these high level positions and <br />their related annual costs. Councilmember Laliberte further stated that, included <br />in that information request she would be looking to how more revenue would be <br />gained in the passport area, recognizing the mandates and firewall in separating <br />
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