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City Council Meeting Minutes
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11/24/2015 1:37:01 PM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 19, 2015 <br />Page 12 <br />this function from the other deputy registrar duties, but defining how revenue <br />would increase to support this position. <br />Referencing his past e-mails with Finance Director Miller, Councilmember <br />Willmus noted that while much business came in from auto dealers, there was al- <br />so considerable foot traffic. Councilmember Willmus noted that many license <br />centers offered later hours that could prove beneficial for the passport center giv- <br />en pending mandates on driver's license and additional forms of identification for <br />air travel. <br />Based on her recollection, Councilmeinber McGehee noted that the License Cen- <br />ter had paid its own way as well as providing revenue for other areas of city oper- <br />ations. Given that history under Finance Director Miller's management, Coun- <br />cilinember McGehee stated that she was inclined to move forward as recom- <br />mended, since the areas of operation managed by him appeared to malce money. <br />Councilmember McGehee stated that she felt the sasne with the License Center as <br />she with Rosedale Center: they know what they're doing, so therefore, she had no <br />problem in allowing thein to continue operating as they have been. While not <br />having any problem in staff providing more information, Councilmember McGe- <br />hee questioned if a MOU would work with that type of business, but if so, she an- <br />ticipated Finance Director Miller pursuing that option, otherwise she expressed <br />confidence in allowing the current track record to prevail. <br />With concurrence by Finance Director Miller, Mayor Roe noted that, while the <br />credit was being given to Mr. Miller, he was sure Mr. Miller would give credit to <br />those employees in these operations and reporting to him. <br />Councilmeinber Laliberte clarified that these operations were well-run with good <br />employees and providing good services to the City and those living near Roseville <br />she also noted that these were two high-level positions being requested. There- <br />fore, Councilmember Laliberte advised that her purpose in requesting the infor- <br />mation to justify the positions through projected new business and not just in add- <br />ing the positions and hoping business would increase. <br />As part of that additional information request, Councilmember Willmus asked <br />that it include research on other communities with this type of service and explor- <br />ing other business models versus continuing as we've always done it, inchiding <br />exploring possibilities or opportunities for people to utilize the License Center <br />outside of the current operating hours. <br />Mayor Roe agreed that fiirther analysis and information may be prudent; and ex- <br />pressed his personal appreciation of the presentation by License Center employees <br />at the beginning of the budget process and hearing their thoughts and ideas direct- <br />ly. Mayor Roe suggested scheduling an annual check-in and update from those <br />employees that wasn't necessarily tied to the budget to help the City Council and <br />
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