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!� _ <br />��� <br />� <br />� <br />AUG �g �9�7 <br />OFFICE of VIIIAGE ��ER� <br />Ros�ville, Minnesota <br />iho vi.11age Council of RoseTille <br />Yi1laEte Nall <br />270I horth I,ex'inp,ton Avenne <br />St. Pinl, H�innesAta 55113 <br />(�entlenen s <br />25i,i Nflrth Pascal 11Ysr�,ta <br />St. Panl, Minneso�a 5�113 <br />�►ugu�t 2tt, 1967 <br />Re t l�pi�lication for rezoning irorn <br />R_1 to R-3 of the Huiras - Alt�in <br />propert.iea on Snelling CurTe <br />You xill recall that at the Au�ust 1l�th meeting of the Rosevill� yillage <br />Caunail a numi�er of resident� aff�cted by ihe propoaed rezonin� of the Huiras- <br />Altman nroperti�s express�ed b� their nresence and through tneir spoke�men their <br />objections to �uch resQning. <br />One of the rnajor objectians expressed pertained to the �reat increase oi <br />tra_�� �l�'.c �ahich is anticipated in thi� a,rea on Brooka and Pascal and the residential <br />atrt�ta o�rallel tc> these when all of the area�� nresent acceases to snelling <br />avenue are elir+inated bT virtue af mad changes neceasar7 to accommodate the nex <br />ahon�inc center on the northw�st corner o� Highwap 36 and Snellin� Avenue. The <br />anecifie objec�i.on in this re�rard xas that for ihe �illage to further coeroonnd <br />the �roble�a af traiPic in this resid�ntial �rea bT nermittine the construction <br />of a 3b unit aeart�+�nt building, which at a modest eati�ate xould fnnnel 20�0 ``"�"""°"`' <br />addition�a]. car �-Fips a day into the area, Xould conatitute not an1,T poor bat <br />hazardona nlar.ning4 As tiraa alao pointed out beYore tha Conncil, the nse of the <br />t�r�a "ha�ard" i� triRhteningl,y apprapriate arannd the neiqhborhood oark recent�. <br />sleveloped t� the village. The park ia located on P�scal Avenne jnst north oi <br />B�ooks and just o�►er the crest of a blind hill o�er xhich �oat all apartnent trattic <br />xou3d natnrall� traTel. <br />It ia our strong conQiction thai no adc�itianal apartment buildin� aho�tld <br />ezi�t in this area Hi.thout direct access fro� Snelling Cur�e to Co�nt� r'toad "C" <br />and th�raby to Sne�.].in� l�v�rnYe. In orcler to detei-raine the ezact facts ab�ut <br />plans for such acc��: � har�e confErred �sith �°. Martiu� o� the State �?ighxa7 <br />Ilepart�er.t's Rcyad P��n:• infcmreatien Office g.nd with ��r. 2�cG�,ibre3r and !�'r, McDorAald <br />af' the State Hi�h��r I�eoart.�+ent ° a 13istrict 9 Office. We �rish �o share s�riith pon <br />the �' iniorr�ation �ained in these vis its in ord�� to be certain that anpr <br />decisions �ade on this �atter are �da in f1�11 knowlsdge, on ro�u° Qart an� ourst <br />of t�te circ�a�ance� that exi3t t <br />�►C�o�t�g ta I.��►�t. � 3�, 5'�a�e :�ro�e�t � b216-It3, dated �'ebrua.�y 21, i96?, <br />arxi �ailed to the �il�.a�re of Etose�i,lle in i��a.rch �f 1967, there er_isis the <br />fQ3lo�rin� praposed plan� r�le�a.nt to Sr.ellin� G�,trge -- <br />1. '�cc�ss tc� "C" fro� �-�el1.i►�g �ua°ve i� nr�mosed by �ean� af an eztension <br />of Snellint� �rv� �rsd an at-srrada crossin� of �he ra�lrnad trzcka. <br />2, Such access i� �ro�sed for so�etir�e aftsr 19 i 2 to ccincaa+e ;aith th� <br />averal� plans far ihe Srn� Avenn� and "+C" intersect�.on ai �ich <br />ti3ae Sr�iling A�renue �onld ba r�ave� a��rozir�atel�' 2afl feet K�st o� its <br />�rese�t� lo<:a�ion. �c�e�s to �C� �r�� �ne� Cnrrre before such �o�reuent <br />�on1� m� be consider�d adgi�able fro� t�he stand�oinf� of sa�et�. <br />