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2/17/2016 2:16:51 PM
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2/9/2016 12:35:12 PM
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. <br />it t�elc�ertl t� i�t�ri �l re��es at� ��si��.lit��' F�A f icuaci ttg �� t�e t�mea <br />a�l�� Trr�ae�� Romci ar�d �.��L a�z�r tir�a�r�cing of t��i h��a on C-? wil.9. 'be <br />t��le�,eely i�po�aible� <br />Is it � ealic� pa�irrt that tt�re is �uch �a�rty alr�a� sa�etl iruivatriat whie�i <br />is as yrert u�ndeYelaped, $Tai�.lable in Lhe sity anc! that lar� e�ctioas ar� t'or �al e <br />dir�#.1y sa�t o� tha rails�oac! tracics �rhich ccYul�� arrre the aame purpose� for <br />t�te It�.ru�sota Traasf�r R�il�q Caaq�►�r aa the ���o}e�p nr�dar qu�etion3 <br />I s it a�lid pv�i�xt that �the prop�rtT under qaastian �rae �rch�aed rn�rely <br />thro�ag� �culsticA t� ttrra ?.�nneaot� TreG►efer Rr�i.�w�y Co��y and thnt <br />f'Et�nentally Lt�ey are interPsted in �aking money foa� ti:eir etockholdare �nd <br />t�t tor tha bette�eat of tl� Gity of R,oaerilla? <br />Ie i� a Palid poir�t that �he ��er�ota Trar�s!'er Aail� Cc�m�r t�g� not pr�+�reated <br />s aia�.a propoa�d plan Sor the dev�l.op�ent of its lota, either that preeerxtiy in <br />qneatiou or that uMch has bean hald by the�a i"or a numbe r ot ye ara *hen tbt� <br />p�ttera ot mo�t re-aaanit� ie to loak �t �rhat ia to be buflt on the prQpertf bdtore <br />alloxiug x1e-xorxS.xig to tak� place? <br />Ie it a Palid pQint that thei�e are na pl�sns cur�ently a� for tha de�velopa�er�t <br />of �n exte�rai.on ot 7�ong t�ake Roed along 35W to haadle the traftio sl�hangh �uah <br />s road hss rrortoQd i�s � into th+e�ion? <br />t3+en#.lemen af tbe �cun�i.l, the� cca�f saion appax�entlp did not aee ar�yr of the�e <br />sa va"�.ida TI1!°i'� KQ1IC1 8I1��1' AO t4 each airig;ly and al1 �ollectiv�ly. <br />�� c�n�ttantly hear the stateme,�t o� the �hree-�ald rasponsibility ef #�he cc�m�aisei�n <br />end the cauncil. Is the ignoring of such pointa aa thoae gbove f�]Sil'ling anq► oi <br />the�e �espansi.b3litias? There ie no daubt that tr� of the i�aports�nt respen�ibilit�.es <br />are t�e protectic� o:f` the 3ritere�ts of th� ci�i�ens and doing �rhat is beat for the <br />;ge�er�. i�ti�at,s o� the city. '�Tith these in n�d, ha�r do gou ansYror �hese <br />qu�stion�a <br />Hox d�n it be for tha best intereet� of the ct>�nnnity �rhen, � nearly � of tha <br />area already $ax�d inciu.atr3al, you coatinue to peck �r�y at t� re-�orting of <br />ressidariti�3. prapr�r�y ta industri�.l.? Is ftlrthe r i$olation o� residential areas <br />fram othar re�ideutia7. area� �rithin city bounds b�neficiaZ? Ask 3rou rnm a�er�, <br />� <br />
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