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� <br />� <br />�'� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />' <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />ic�tersection. <br />�'r�anta�e Road Stor� Sewers between Trunk Hit�hwav ��51 a�nd Hamline Avenue: <br />Approximately the wes*erly 700 feet af the proposed �rontage Road i;s within the Ii�its of con- <br />construction of that section to be designed and constructed by the 1Kinnesota Department of <br />Highways. This section of Frontage Road wi.11 require st�rm sewers. On the Village portion <br />of the Frontage Road construction, storm draLnage caill be solved jointZy with that of the <br />abutting County Road "B-2" construction permitting use of the existing Simpson Street st�rm <br />sewer as well as th� existing storm sewer at Hamline Avenue and Cou�nty Road "B-2". <br />5torm Sewer Requirements for the Allied Stores Area: <br />On Drawing No. f3 is shown the storm sewer network proposed f or constrvction by Al.lied Stores <br />in order to carry roof drainage and surface runoff from the parking area. This drawing also <br />reflects the need for constr�cting a storm sewer in order Co permit the £illing of County Ditch <br />No. 4 in this area: Sumner Shein, Architect representing Allied Stores, representatives of <br />Banister Engineering Engineering Gompany and the Village Administrator, met with the County <br />Engineer relative to the subject of County Uitch Nc►. 4 and the means by which this ditch might <br />be filled and an adequately designed stc�rm sewer placed to convey drainage acr�oss tk�e Allied <br />S�tores property. A subsequent meeting c�ras held witih the County Attorney relat:ive to the same <br />subject. County ditch laws were revi�wed an�d it was reflected that these laweo were written <br />��many years ago wt�en the county ditch system primarily served rural agricultural land and are <br />not presently applicable where such a ditch system is used for drainage withi�l a suburban area. <br />The result of this meeting was one of cooperation on a mutual problem and witlh the suggestion <br />that this ditch might be ta�cen over as a part of the village storm water draiaiage system and <br />that this would present the most expeditious solution to Che problem. �he di:tches presently <br />are not maintained resulting in reduced carrying capacity due Co the build-u�p of brush and <br />debris. <br />Site drawings for the Allied Stores area were furnished the Villa�e by Sumner Schein, Architect <br />.� <br />for Allied Stores. The storm sewers indicated on these drawings were reviewed as a part of <br />'ttxis report. Som� minor modifi.cations were made af storm drainage lines �aithin the site. <br />'��_ .. <br />;d �.--Design,:computations have been made a par�t af tt�is report and appear in the Appendix to this <br />�� �f - - <br />;� � w � 13 <br />� <br />f� <br />�r1��� x ,' �:,;- <br />