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• � <br />Cas e No . 61-�71 <br />61-85 <br />61-86 <br />�a� <br />� � <br />(Wer��r and Maier) <br />( �a�rney S cbmi g) <br />- con�inued � <br />s • <br />Thc propo�ed d�velopmeat consiato� 6 to8��0�v�hiculerttri�p�cpex <br />could be expected to �en�rat�a fr er a artment uni�j <br />day. (aesuaai�ng app�roximately b to 8 trips g P <br />Thfa 18 no� 8�a �ndue traffi�devel�finenthmr�reeth�nVonee�ntrance <br />auggeeta that for ti�e total p <br />would be des ireb le . 4Je do no t f eel Ctiat tl�e 6 to 800 vehicul�r <br />Crfpe would be a pBrticular p=nb��$ considerabYy less�th4n thatiof <br />S tre�t i�-a�-mu�h as thia vQlume <br />�$jor thoroughgareg enteri�g �eV��s�rueetiou�bleuvolumeit�8be�s�rved <br />S t. Pai�l northward. It ies ho , q <br />by a cul-�e-eac. The cul�de-snc �s proposed would b� approYim�tely <br />700' fin lengtb and wher�e thie obviosasF�olution�to�thia�problemnpof <br />ba a particuiar problem. T1� <br />cour�e, i� Co p�cAvide an accee� tn th� weet co�aecting M$rtion Stree� <br />to th� cui.-cie-s�e propoeed in t�e de��onpasIItoathe�affiav�ntev£ytx�ffic <br />Tt�i,e, of courae, in�roduces the ques <br />which mlgbt use �his sacondary �cce�e ag an egrese� via Minne�o�a <br />Avenue. Such traffic, thou�h lese than that of a�s��or th�raug�ar�a� <br />w�.th &ingle F'�mily Residential frontage ie no particulax asset to <br />tl�� S inigLe i�asnily area to the wea t and morth . <br />b.Develo �nt Densit� - Th� �lan subm�tted �t the lr�at meeting has beeaa <br />c ah nged r�ucing the aumber of dw�lling units so as �o confosia to the <br />pr�posed den�iti�es o� 17a0 equare feet per aingle b�droom umit and <br />2500 equare feet per two bedro�m un�.to Th� land a�ea thu� required <br />vould be R.2�,8tJ0 squ�re fe+�to Ttie land area (Werne� end K�ier <br />�ropertiee) coneieta o�E Se13 �cres or 223,15Q �quare feet. The deve- <br />lopaient con�i�ta of �our 17-uni�. etructuree aad five 8-unit etructurea. <br />Z'4�e unita closesC to th� rear l�t lines of th� Singl� Pa�ily Be�iden- <br />tial area to the north are 8-i:nit structure�, these at�ucturea being <br />placed approximat�ly 1��' at i�s nesrest point fro� the rear lot linesa <br />P�rking is accornmoda�ed at the �rop�sed rate of 1.5 ap�ce� per dwelling <br />umit ar Y62 total epaceg, <br />c�,Design Concept � In �er�eral it �rould appear that the design p�roposed <br />has been weYl thoug?1t out �n3 ;�oul�c� ii developed iu �ccordance with tt�e <br />plan constitnte one of ths better planned regidentigl ar�as in the <br />Village. The new denaity requi.rcmoAts have provided space fnr �ecreationsl <br />areas laaving adequa�te room for parki.n�, accesa, and ttie yard require- <br />ments� Th� deaign ie definieely aup�rior to the previou� deeign sub- <br />mit�ed and parl:icul�r�.3r better than the initial �rhich group�d <br />�11 of �he parking i.n a singl� vasr loe which we te�l would h�ve been <br />undes e o <br />d o�elationshi.� tr� 5 in� Family_AAr�a - The �heng� �n zone �ould occur <br />at the re8r lo� linea of existing singl.e familJ lot� to the west and <br />nur�:t►. Wher+e chang� in zonee are necessary it i� frequ�nt2y best to <br />haue euct� �c�lange alox�g �h� xe�r lot linee +�a has been th� practi�e in <br />ffian,� cases �n t�e Village ir. the pas t o Tt appears also ir� thie case <br />tha� tihe change �f zone is mad� somewY�at eagier in �hat the Iot� to <br />�he north are 200'� in depth �nd ati a cvnsf.�lerable highe� elevation <br />tthan �he property in �que��iono l�ot �i�hstanding this ho�ever, the <br />aingle family homes on �he aouCh sid� of M�.nneso�� 3tree� would ovQr�- <br />n +'� V �; • •� � � `!�'yF �g ti' <br />c �. <br />