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p2'O�'li�l':� i��; ?ll':'<'?tl .`��l:li]. t�.' tiL:�).`t'��ill:il�' !�1 Zt:C� �lc'II (1t �it?`' IllOt't�:itit.' 02' 71102't,bG1bE•S <br />1llltti' OI' }1C'1'E'�1f�tt'i' �)I;IC't'cl Ll�)�)f] itl�' ��t����)�';'ili�� :;?11))�'C'1 ��t ��; �'y�Ili�'12i=+r pri'OViCjI'C�, <br />ho�ti•��v��r, th,�t �uc}1 tiuR�ui�ciination ;I;all ,�����:ti- u�i��� tc� th�� a��c,�s�int�z�t� �vhich <br />have bccoi�ii� c?u�� t�►Ic� ��3y�iulc� E�i•ioi• tc� :� �c�l�� oz� ti•an_>f� r of �uc h��i•opeY�ty <br />pU2'SU�IIlt t0 41 Cj('CI'CC� ��f foc•t'ClOtillt't 02' 3I1�' C�tlll'I' �!'Olt'�'C�llly lIl l�('U Of fUI'C'CIOStIl'C'� <br />such wale OI' �I'��n�i��i• sh��ll not i•��lc�a�t ,uc•h pi•���� i•ty f.•oi�1 liability fOi• atiy <br />assessrzze�it� therc�aftt�r t���comiit� d�ic�, I1C�I' frorn tl��� lien of aci�� 5uch subseqUent <br />�SSI.�SSITlC•ilt5. <br />Section 11. F,'�e1zi��t. Pr�p� i�ty, Th�� foll���-in�; pro�eriy subject to this Declaration <br />shall bc� e��.�i�iptc�d fi•ui�1 ti�c ���,��;_ c�l�.�iit:� cli��r����d ancl licii created herein: <br />a) A11 pt•opertic�s to ilic c�xt��ilt of aiiy t�a�emc�nt or othei� iut�i•est �herein <br />dedicated acld ��ce�pt��d by ti2e l�c�l puUlic auth:�rity and dev�t��� to public use. <br />b) �11 properties e�c�rnE�tc��l froili talatien by the latvs of the State of <br />. Minnesota upon thc ter:ns and to t}ie �,titent of such lebal etiem�tion; <br />c) All COI2�I1]011 Propci•ti��, �� defined in Article I, Section l, hereof. <br />NotwltllSt.7I1C�lIlb aiiy ��rovision he�•�ii�, ►_io lar�d or imurovemeilts devot<�d to <br />dwelling usc siiall be e�einpt fr•o�;;z said assessm�i�#s, charges or liens. <br />AI�TICLF. VI-_'1� COVE.'217I1t5 foi' II1SLli-'ance. <br />Section 1, l�'Iaintena►ice of Insura�ice. Each O�vner of any Lot, except the Developer, <br />by acc�ptance of a deed therefor, «•hether or not it shall be e:cpressed in any <br />such dLed oi• ^tlzer conveyance covenants to carr•y, mairitain and timely pay the <br />premium or premiums on a policy of fire, e�tended coverage, vandalism and <br />miscellaneous mischief �vith a.11 risk endorsement insurance, such insurance to . <br />cover a minimum of the ec�t�re replacen��ent cost of the Living Unit located on <br />eac}i such Lot and to be placed �vith an insurance coinpany as selected by the <br />Association, pr�ovided tlzat suctz insurance cor�lpany is authorized to do business <br />in the State of I��linilesota. Such policy inay �e in the form of an endorsement to <br />a master policy and slzall be issued in the name of the O�vner and the Association <br />as their� respective inier�sts m�y appea r. <br />Section 2. GVaiver of Subi•ogatio�l. To the �xtent permitted by the standard <br />Mi�lnesota forz�z of fire and eYtended coverage insurance and to the extent benefits <br />are paid urlder such a palicy, each O�viier• an� ti�e Association do hereby mutually <br />release each from the other, arid their respective officers, agents, employees <br />and invitees, fr•om all claitns for dainage or° destr•uction ai their respective <br />physical properties if such darria, E o.r destruction results frotn one or more of <br />the perils cover•ed by the Stanc���c Iinnesota form of fire and extended coverage <br />insurance. <br />� Section 3, Lien for Premiums. The Association may but shall not be requirecl to <br />make payment of insurance preir.iums oaz behalf of any Owner who becomes delin- <br />quent in such payment. In the eveni that the A ssociation does make such payment, <br />then such payment and the ccst thereaf sha11 be tr�ated as if it is pari of the <br />annual assessmer�t as described i.n �r•ticle VI hereof and shall be a charge on the <br />land and a contin�aing lie�1 on tlie property for �vhose benefit suclz premium paym�nt <br />is made and also t�ze persor��l obligation of the O�vner of such property at the tir�le <br />when such premiur�i payment i� rr� de. <br />A rticle VII. Pa r•ty ��'al1s. <br />Section l, General RuleS of La�v to apoly. Each wall which is bu�lt as part of <br />the original construction of the homes upon �Vest�,vood Villa;e and placed on the <br />dividing line bet�veen th� Lots shall constitute a party wall and to the extent <br />not inconsiste�zt «�ith tne provisions of this Article, the gener•al rules of lativ <br />re� irding parf� �valls and of Iiability for property damage due to negligent or <br />. tivillful acts or• oinissions shail apply t}1e Y•eto. <br />Seciion 2. Share of Repair and 1laintenance. The cost of reasonable repair and <br />maintenance of a part�� �vall shail be shared by the O<<mers �vho make use �f the �vall <br />in proportiocz to suc�z use. <br />Sect�on 3. D�structio� b� Fire o: C�t�:cr Casual�Z�. If a party- ;��ull is clestroyed <br />or damaged by fire or other casualt�•, any O«�ner �vho has used the �.va11 may <br />restor.e it, and if the other O�.�n�rs ther�after n�ake use of the waJ.l tl�ey shall <br />contr•ibute to the cost of restoratio� the�eof in propoz �ion to such use �vithout � <br />prejudice, ho�z�ever, to the right of any such O�srner to �all for a larger contribution <br />from the o�hers under any rul.e of 1a«� re�arding liability for negli�ent ar ��.fillful acts <br />. ox- omissions. <br />