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Sectiozl •�. `�'eatlic�rpi•c�afinU. �;ot�vitt>>iandin� an�• oihc.,r provision of tliis Article, <br />aily O�vnci•, �vho, by tiis ilc�nli�;c��t oi� ��, illftil ac't, cau�cs the party �vall te be <br />eapo5ed to the c�'ements shall bcar the �vhole cost of fui'1115}11d1b the I1E'C�SSa2�y <br />proteciion a�ainst such eleinent5, <br />Section 5. Right to Coiitribution Runs �vith the Lanci. The rigl�t of any Otv:�er to <br />COIltl�ibution from �?Iljr (�. }1CI. O«'ilel' L1I1CIeI' t�11S �rticle shall be appurteiiant to the <br />lan� and shall pass to such 0���7cr's successoi�s in title. <br />Section G, A rbil.ratioil, vi tl:e event of any dispute �.risi�ig COIIC�I•n�ig a <br />party �vall, or utider the provis�ons of this �lrticle, each party shal.i choose one <br />arbitratoi• and sucli arUitL•ator s►.�11 clloose one additional arbitrator aild the <br />d�cision of a majority oC all the �1'1Jltrators shall be final anc� conclusive of <br />t�1e q�aestion irivolved. <br />ARTICLE VIII. Architectural Control Comrnittee. Section 1, Review by <br />Committee. Froin and after th� completioii of construction and sale of each Lot <br />or Living Ui�it �vithin tit�est�vood Villa�e, no I�1111C�lIlb� fence, �vall or other structure <br />shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon such Lot, nor shall any exterior <br />addition te or change or altEration therein be made lintil the plans and specifi- <br />cations sh�owing the nature, kincl, shape, l�ieight, materials and location of the <br />sarne shall. have been submitted to and ��pp��oved in writing as t� ha�mony of <br />external design and location in relation to :>urrounding structures and �o�ography <br />by the Board of Directors c�f the Associatio.n or- by an architectural committee <br />composed o�:: three or more representatives appointed by the Board. In the event <br />said Board or its designated committee fail to approve or disapprove such design - <br />and location within 30 days af�er said plans and specifications have been submitted . <br />to it or in any event if no silit to enjoin the addition, �.ltera�ion or change has <br />been commenced prior to the completion thereof, approval will not be required <br />and this A rticle shall be deemed to have been fully complied �vith. <br />ARTICLE IY. Exl:erior arid Interior Mai:ntenance. <br />Section 1. E:cterior M�intenance. In acldition to maintenance upon the Common <br />Properties, the Association may provide esterior maini:enance upon each Lot and <br />Living Unit �vhich is subject to assessment until Article VI hereof as follows: <br />paint, repair•, replace ancl care for roofs, guttel�s, do�vnspouts and exterior <br />building surfac�,s not including glass surfaces. . <br />Section 2. Interior Maintenance. In addition to the maintenance described in <br />Sectian 1 hereof, the Associatian may provide interiar maintenance upan each <br />Lot and Livulg Unit which is subject to assessment under Ax-ticle VI hereof, as <br />follo�vs: SewFrs and se�vage system, plumbing, heating and air conditioning <br />system and electrical system. <br />Section 3. Assessment of Gost. The cost of such e�:terior and interior maintenanr_e <br />shall be� assessed against the Lot upon which such maintenance is done and shall be <br />added to and become a part of the annual maintcnance assessment or charge to <br />which sucti Lot is subject under Article VI hereof; and as part of such annual <br />assessment or charge, it shall ue a lien or oblig�tion of the Owner and shall <br />become due and payable ii: all respects as provided in A rticle ti I hereof, <br />�rovided that the Board of Directors of the r'lssociation, when es�ablishing the <br />annual assessinent against each Lot for any assessment year as rec{uired lznder <br />1�rkicle VI hereof, m�y add thereto the estimated cost of the exteri�r and inierior <br />maintenance far that year but shall thereafter xnake such adjustment with the Own�r <br />as is necessary to reflect the cost th.ereof, <br />Section �. � ccess at Reasonable Hours. For the purpose solely o� performing <br />the eYterior an�d interior maintenance authorized by this A rticle, The Association, <br />throubh its duly authorired ag nts �r employees, shall have the right, after <br />r�asonable notice to the O�a�ners, to enter unon any Lot or Living Unii at reasonable <br />hours at any day. <br />�� <br />