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� January 11, 1983 <br />-3- <br />�� <br />They noted they have thrc:e specific needs : 1) rezaning th� land, <br />2) appropriate financing, and 3) cer�.ificate of need fram the State. <br />All three c�£ these mus� b� obtained before they cara �roceed. Suggesxed <br />that if they are successfu� in acquiring the �roperty, �the�n it would be <br />imp�rtant to work clasely with th� City toward achieving �he a�quzs�.�ion <br />of the park by the Cit.y, the rezo��ing, and the u5� of IRB as part of th�ir <br />financing package. <br />7) P�t�rson - 4�3-7257. Steve Pctersan, repres�n�ing Deluxe Check Company, <br />coas in to di�e:uss the fut�re of theix �0,000 sq. ft. buil�i��g at County <br />RQad B and Pascal. Thi� huildin� ��►as occupi�d by Deluxe Check unti� 1975, <br />after which it w�s o�cup�.�d by 69edtronics, t,uzt�l � couple o£ years agoa <br />Th�e origi.n�al building ���s built in 1Ji�1. 'I7ie lancl is zoned I3-1. Th� <br />occupation o� tl�e land by btedtronics r�quired �n amendment to the zoning <br />ordinance, allowing for �he manuf�ctur� of '"medical d�vi�es". Th� D�luxe <br />Check people pr�pos� to use the building for tt�eix own operations, wh�.ch <br />inclucle th� harzcilin� of mail Qrder nrocess�.ng and �imztcd ass�mbly of a <br />stamp pro�luct they se11. This product rec{uires nbaut 1,00� ta 2,OQ0 sq� ft., <br />with abouti 15 pers+�ns employed. Th�y also s�11 checkbooks r�hic,h would xoquir� <br />3,000 ta 4,O�o sq. fta of spac� for s�orage and p�ocessing. <br />The building is owned by the plofit sha�ring fund of Qelu.�e Check, and t����y <br />� been trying to sell the building far several y�axs. TF�ey now propase <br />to us� the buildin� for tliem�elves. IY� notEd �hat though Che uses pe�mmi.tted <br />in the B-1 zoned by speci�l usp pexmit �re s�.milar to those they pro�nse, <br />we sugg�st this lan�u��e be clarified ta mal:e is; �8rr�issab�.e for th.�m to <br />use the building as they propase, This is a high quality structura, anci <br />tiaQ suggest Delu��e Check using it for their own operations is perhaps the <br />best solutian�, �ven though ther� may be pap�rwo�k necessary to make this <br />leg�lly possible. They are going Co review results of our ciiscussions, <br />a�ld likely apply to the Ciry for nc�essary changes to be uble �o occupy <br />the building. <br />8) MF�M - 379-U800. Ray Hagan of b4F,T1 Company was in with Jim Zi.11man, business <br />manag�er for Minneapolis Business College. They pro�ose to move tlle school <br />from Minneapolis �a Roseville. T}�e Uusiness college w:is started in 1874, <br />and was purc}�ased in 1981 by Bradford Schools. The Minneapolis Business <br />College is a regional school, with about 100 to 110 students and a staff of <br />12. They propose to occupy a portion of the northerlymost office Uuilding, <br />on the east side, of H�rscliel Street. Tl�eir proposal .fits the parking <br />regulations, but we suggested they get additional parking rights :£rom the <br />property to the north, or across the street from LaBelles to make sur.c there <br />is adenuate space for the students and the staff. The school uses approximately <br />8,000 sq. ft. of space. The typical cou-_se is 1Q mont}�s, and 90% of the <br />students are female. Tlre sch.00l requires a special usc permit in the B-1 <br />District, which tlle land is currently zoned. <br />� <br />