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� <br />• June 8, 1983 <br />Planning Office Hours <br />May 11 - June l, 1983 <br />- 3- <br />� <br />9) Richter - 646-3972. A1 Richter was in with Tom Lieberman, who proposed <br />to put a general car repair operation in the existing garage on the <br />Richter property at the northeast corner of TH 36 and Rice Street. This <br />is a long, thin (100' wide) lot, contiguous to the property to the north <br />which is zoned R-6 for a townhouse development. The l.atter property is <br />behind the Country hi tchen, and appears yet to be owned by CUYt: I�d L"I.SOII � <br />who purchased the Country Ki tchen systems some time ago. `fJ� �eviewed with <br />them the City's long-term interest (anc,i that of the neighbors) in combining <br />these two properties so as to allow for the effici.ent development of each. <br />The Country Kitchen �roperty has about a 30' access frontage to Rice Street. <br />The lonc�, 100' wide strip (the Richter praperty) would b� vezy diff.icult to <br />d�velo�� by itself, and tl�us, both properties are enhanced if they are <br />combined. We encouraged Mr. Richter L•o ��ursu� Lhis objective. We also <br />noted to Mr. Lieberm�n that rezoning of the Richter prnperties for purposes <br />of operatiny a rcE�air garage woulei not be in keeping wirh the comgrehensive <br />plan, n�r the long-range l��nd use objectives relating to tl�e development of <br />Rice Street. <br />10) l�cis - A88-3�3G2. .7im Wei.s is considering a 19' wicle driveway to be ��laced <br />�rj,th111 3` of his west�rly �3ioperty line. Uue to the hill candition locat�d <br />i.n the fronC yard of tihas pra�erty, this 3' sett�ack ap�ears ta be a re�sonab�.e <br />� soluL• ion, whicii h� l�as worked o�at• in cancert ��ith hi� wefikerl.y ncighbar. <br />11D Campbcll - 484��IG38. 'I'�m Ca�r��bell ancl i�is wifc w�ra in to discuss CYie <br />exp�nsion ot t�heir hom,�, wha,ch would requirc a 1'7" v�►�i�nce on tlie east <br />sicie �f thcir hom-r, t-�il�winc� fAr E1 1:3'f3" �dditio►z to thcir r��idence. <br />Ttii� would a��f�car C_a be �-► Leasnnaul� mit�or v�rian�� aE�plicati.c <br />12) Mogg _ G�1-2121. l�amon� M�g�3 �nd tloreense a'Neil wcre in ta disGuss lots <br />1G-2A aL thc nr�r�:tieas� cc�i�n�r eaf lIamline an�i Qu�ke Avenuc. Thl.s �roperty <br />�Zas ��n ex�.s�i►�g hc�me �k CI1C we�t�rly si�1�, and ��� discusse�3 w<-�ys in wlli.ct� <br />L1ie lancl cc�uld be: fu��ther �ul�di.vid���i. ��um�ng ar� acic�itior�al 1Q' af' ric�hl--of-w�y <br />dedicati�n an fi��mli,nc, tl:�m woul�� �p��e�r �a be 'inadec;uate roo�m to c�eveloE� <br />��r�otil�r. lat ��� the ��res� �ici� c+f �i�c tro�y�e, 'I�ro adcli.kional lc�t�s would ��►����r <br />Co t�e �.:a�onable �n L•hc ca�t sici�:, however. we suc�cic�s�ec� Ct�at• with l•he <br />exisL•� homc loeaec�c3 ��� is, thf�t ti•ic:y may co��si�r <ry �iuF�lc�x •r.aninq or� Ch� <br />�ite, ��nci cortemrti»g tl�� �xist;ina Itomc e� �a du���ex. i�� aw�are i�aw oi the <br />cievcl�k�rnenC �roee�l��res .1nci reca►al���i�i�s, �tiey axc� goincj ta ccznts:t�cr �n ol�Cimum <br />sol�a�:ion. <br />13) John�on - G31-133Q. Ric1: Jczlzn:�on from Jol�nsoij Br.ot}�er� f�L-csent.�d us wirh <br />�Leli,mi��ary f�1�1ns fqr E� 25` t�y 191.' enc.lo�ecl el�ck �e Ue constructed <br />on thc: no�-th �.ic3e c�C th�ir buil�inc�, �nd � 25' x 1Q�' loaclinc� arel an the <br />eas� szdc. Th�y liave a 140' a 2Q�' c�ree»house ��rea, a portion of which is <br />beine� useci far c��ncral storage which iz<-.�� been �� F�roblem h.i,at th�� F3uilc7ing <br />In���ector ��nd t?ire �larshal have l�e�ii c�iscussing �ith t11e►n. This use of <br />gree►Zl�ousc sE��zce fax �taraqe is nc�t �-�1lawec� by �hP t�'ir� Sa£ety �'ode, anc3 w� <br />� natec� this �Jou1d have l-o �c correctec� before any additional huilding permi�s <br />could be issued Eor ex�ansion �a oCher portions of llle l�uilciing. Rick Jahnson <br />ap�:�eared to acce�t this r.uli ny, and saici he �oould c7o back and discuss zt furth�r <br />with his faktYer �na oLh�rs in ti�e co�ai�y. <br />