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r� <br />U <br />� <br />Planning Office Hour•s <br />September 23, 1986 <br />Following their presentation, <br />concern. <br />� <br />Page 4 <br />we commented on eight areas of <br />1. The setback for the buildings easterly of Hoffmann <br />Electric is indicated less than the required 100 feet <br />established in the ordinance for this area of the B-4 <br />District. The buildings should be set back further so as <br />to retain more of the trees, similar to what was done on <br />the Hoffmann Electric site. They noted that this change <br />w�ould be accomplished. <br />2. This same site will have insubstantial open land at the <br />southeast and southwest corners of the site, and have <br />very thin str�ps of landscaping to the north and in the <br />areas between the two structures. We suggested that <br />this area of landscaping should be widened, so as to be <br />more in keeping with the gen�ral green concept of the <br />site. <br />3. A greater effort shouYd be made to preserve the trees on <br />the narth side of Highway 36. <br />4. The concentration of buildings, consisting of three <br />structures of seven stories, nine stories, and twelv� <br />stories, is placed near the northwest corner of the <br />large sit� (nearest th� tank farm and Roberts <br />Offic�/warehouses ta the west). �� sugg�sted that thi5 <br />concentration shouYd b� moved furth�r to the southeast, <br />n�ar�r tt��e intersection of 35W and Highway 36. This <br />would a1�ow fnr additional parking o� the nor�h and w�st <br />side of the �hr�� building complex, <br />�. Parking is proposed at a ratio of four spaces p�r <br />thousand. we not�d �hat this reduced ratio is <br />appropriate in larger conc@nt�ation� of o�fice, bas�� on <br />our r�s�areh and o�hers in th� m�tro�olita� area. we <br />w�r� concexn�d, how�ver, that so much of th� pa�king is <br />at a great distance to �he structur�s, ahd that ma�ing <br />them to th� southeast could h�lp corr�ct this condition. <br />6. The dropoff points for th� khr�� major �tructures in th� <br />groupi�g off th� circular roundabo�t wi�1 nat work as <br />drawn. Dropoi£ ar�as should b� reserv�d out di th� main <br />traffic stream. <br />7. P�incipal access to th� sit� is via a center �ircular <br />area, forming the focal point oi the thre� structur�s. <br />T fear th� traffic h�re wi�l be e�c�ssive, �nd in co�- <br />ju��tion with th� �ropoff points for th� structures, <br />will produce congestian. <br />� 8. They propos� a glass curtain wall structural system. I <br />suggest that panels oi other materials be arranged so as <br />to create a vertical band, to emphasize the h�ight, We <br />suggested tha� a°'glass cube" concept �ot be utilized <br />without enhancement of some other mat�rial, <br />