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Off ice Planning Hours <br />September 10, 1986 <br />Miller, 835-0060 <br />Cindy Miller and Weldon O. Hendrickson, representing <br />Hampton Inns people, were in to review a possible location <br />Roseville. They propose 120 units in two stories. They <br />a franchise of the Holiday Inn, and have a site now <br />Plymouth. <br />We reviewed, with considerable detail, the merits of the Ruan <br />site at the southeast corner of County Road C and Long Lake <br />Road. We showed them previous development plans prepared by <br />Dillon Inn, noting the desirability of the site for a motel <br />and a restaurant. They are going to look seriously at this <br />site, plus other �ossibi�.�ties in the area. They are <br />�nterested in coming to Roseville. <br />Thompson, 635-1816 <br />Mike Thompson, r�gresenting Jim Reilly of the Condor Corpora- <br />tion, was in to review cl�velopment potential in Roseville. <br />,Jim I�� has d�v�eloped a consider�ble number of multi- <br />family housing units anti other dev�lopm�cnt in the Me�ropoli- <br />tan Area. H� is looking for developm�nt potential in <br />�tasev i l le . <br />�raig �►aldron and i r�viewed wit� him the cyualiti�s and <br />a�tributes af thc Tax Tncrem�nt Distri,ct on the w�st �icie of <br />35w. �hey nre going �o �ook at th�sa sit�s, a�ci other� �e <br />sugge�ter�, for in�en�iv� comme�ci�� development. W� ��vi�wQc! <br />�he Council's policios relating eo the target�d Ta�c inc��m�nt <br />area�. <br />DrQesen 636-6906 <br />J m Dr�eesen was in fram R�•�le�� Truck Campan�°, r�qu�sting <br />pflrm�.ssion �o cor�struct ��i�n, oriQnte�l C�wa�d 35w, an �ho <br />�a�t �nd of thai�r proper��. ��'he proposed sigra woulc� bc� 35' x <br />b" 4-�./2'" � �hi� produccs a si�c� ar�a of 220.5 sc�ua�re �Qot, <br />r�orc th�� tl�at whicM is allowed an their propErty �hi�t� <br />fronts only �n Goc�g L�k� Rc��d. ��� problem here �s that the <br />area� of land fron��ng on t�€ servic� road �+Q�t o� 35w, ���t <br />of their �it�, �s o�rned �y ttre Johnson F1ori�t peo�le, Thus, <br />tha Ryd�� Truck �ite is no+� contic�a�ous �o the freeway, ��nd <br />c�oes r��t qualif�r for � fr�eway f�or�tage sign. <br />I su�ge���d it is importan� for th�ir lo�n�-r�nq� invostment <br />�o �cquiacc that p�operty, s� t�hat thci� la�nd �nes cor►�it�uou� <br />frQm Gong Gake �toad to the �re�wa� front�gc road. They no�ed <br />they� hav� m�de �he attc�mpt, but �'eel tha� th� lat�d is too <br />costl�. <br />I suggest�d that it wora`� gek cheaper, and �,hey <br />t:�e p��eg��ty inasmt��h �� their land ultimatel� <br />r�d�:v�:lop��i for more int�nsive use. Th�y a��e� <br />araci note that their location isn't r�ally th� <br />shouldi buy <br />should b� <br />with this, <br />best. <br />