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• <br />� <br />� <br />� � <br />Planning Office Hours Page 3 <br />August 20, 1986 <br />The roof is proposed to be pitched, with no parapet height on <br />the front end of the building, and approximately a three foot <br />height on the east end; thus, mechanical equipment could <br />likely be highly visible on the west end of the building. <br />The building is proposed to be all brick, with a top "band" <br />of prefabricated metal around the periphery. Drainage solu- <br />tion was not proposed, thougrl the criteria for such was <br />reviewed with the staff. <br />Mr. Vannase noted that his down payment cannot be returned, <br />unless the development is disapproved by the City. He noted <br />his desire not to "fight" with the City, but that Price <br />Savers has decided they want to go on the site. I reminded <br />him th�t there are major problems with the site plan, and <br />that the proposal is in conf lict with the City's development <br />policy in this area. <br />4. VFW, 483-5313 <br />Mr. Rheaume, current Commander of the VFW, was in to discuss <br />ways in which they might expand their facility north of the <br />Civic Center. He notes that when the building was built <br />twelve years ago, there w�er� ��ne hun.dred fifty--members, and <br />today th.ere are six hundred. They would desire to add a <br />greenhous��-type dining addition, approximately twelve feet in <br />width an the south side (which appears pos�ible), and an <br />addition to the kitchen on the no�th. He noted that they had <br />contacted George Reiling, and attempted to purchase <br />additional land to the north of the site, and have not been <br />succ�ssful in doing so. I suggested they get a survey of the <br />site, showing exactly where their structure and parking area� <br />are in relation to their boundaries. They are nnt certain <br />what these relationships are today. <br />Following this, an examination could be made as �o what <br />extent th� building is expandable, particularly as it relates <br />to potential parking expansion. <br />5. Hahn, 605-339-3850 <br />George Hahn was in with Ed Peterson, architect, and Jean <br />Parranto, realtor, to review their development proposal fc�r <br />the southwest corner of Long Lake Road an� County Road C. <br />This is a 2.37 acre site, proposed for a sixty-nine unit <br />motel constructed Qn th�ee f loors. The structure will be <br />brick and stuc�o with a sloped roof , Witt1 z, colonial motif . <br />We discussed the possibility of better qu.ality in building <br />material, and possibly more intensive use of the site. I <br />suggested at least tY�at the plan should b�e drawn so as to <br />show how the �tructures can be expanded on the site. This <br />building is relatively small for the site, and the plan <br />includes a considerable amount of green area. This is not <br />all bad, except that I would prefer more int�nsive <br />development, at least over a period of time. <br />