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� <br />u <br />L_J <br />� <br />Planning Office Hours � Pa e 3 <br />August 6, 1986 g <br />Price Savers will be watching what happens on the Gostco <br />site and, as noted by Mro Hanson, will then app�aise the <br />situation. <br />6. Bartlett, 871-6395 <br />�3ames Bartlett and Dave Stolpestod, of the Estes Compan�, <br />were in to discuss the possible development of a car care <br />c�nter on the Ruan property at the southea�t corner of Coui�ty <br />Road C anci Long Lake Road. 4�e suggested this land use would <br />no�. be approgriate for that site, and that sor�e other <br />location should b� explored. <br />W� reviewed with them previously prepared plans for the site, <br />a� an indication of potential development. Their intent was <br />to use, a part of the site. This �ite should be planned <br />totally in the sens� that portions of it have significant <br />easements adversely a�f�cting the potential. They agreed <br />with the analysis, and wi11 be looking for o�her �.ocations. <br />7. St._Marten, 4�9-0523 <br />Leo and Tom St. Marten (tather and son) were in to discuss <br />the platting of a new �at with 100 feet of t�ontage on <br />Shryex, utilizir�g the wes�erly 1dQ feet of two lots fr4n�ing <br />on Dale Street. Each of the two lots has 76 feet of <br />frontag�, thereby producing a 1at with a depth of 1S2 x 100 <br />feet. We no�eci that this wnuld appear appxopriate, and could <br />be acommplished by submiss�.Qn of � preliminary plat. <br />8. Mulvanev <br />John Mulvaney and Gary Lee, architect engineers for Costco, <br />w�re in to review two changes in �heir plans for Sgecial Use <br />Permit on the Costco si�e� They had previous�.y m�t with <br />Charlie Honchel�l and Dave J�nisch, and evolved an apgropriate <br />drainage plan providing interim drainar�e and considerations <br />for ultimate expansion of a public improvement pro�ect to <br />drain �he public rights-of-way which they propose ta improv� <br />now (Mount Ridg� Road and Prinr Avenue). <br />We also revi.eweci a revised landscape plan to screen �he ar�a <br />east of the loading docks at the northeast corner of their <br />proposed structure. �'hey also noted th� inclusion of trash <br />dumpers to be placed inside the building at this <br />northeasterly location. <br />9. Skjelbolstac�, 370-0700 <br />Harold Skjelbolstad, a l�ndscape architect with BRW, was in <br /> David Eide, a representative of the Rei11y, Tire Company, <br />to discuss their praposed expansion �n the west side of <br />Fairview, and southerly of the Burlington Northern tracks. <br />The existing structure is 16,a00 square feet, to th�y <br />propos� a 14,000 sc�uare foot addition. We noted the <br />x�equirement to improve the parking and curbing with this <br />development. They propose a continu�ti.on of the five foot <br />setback on the north side, which we suggested may be of <br />concern from a fire prevention standpoi,n�, as much as the <br />total length of the building will now be 380 feet. <br />