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\J <br />Planning Office Hours <br />November 19,1986 <br />• I noted that she or other neighbors <br />and meet with the staff any time, <br />her telephone number to Mr. Nelson <br />ment of an informal meeting with the <br />Page 3 <br />could come to City Hall <br />and that I would pass on <br />to �id in the accomplish- <br />immediate residents. <br />4. Dunwell, 483-6701 <br />Tom Dunwell, architect, was in with Tom Welsh, an attorney <br />r�presenting Stevc� Saunders who proposes to build a new <br />Kentucl�y Fried Chi�ken store north of the existing McDonald's <br />site in Ros�ville. Mr. I�unwell presented a preliminary site <br />plan indic�ting the possibility of construction of multi- <br />family housing in the B-1 zoned area westerly of the <br />McDonald's site. This land is owned by "Boots" Halverson, <br />who has an agreement with the NicDonald people that they will <br />have "first rights of refusal" for the purchase of this land <br />in the event he attempts to develop it or sell it. Based on <br />previous conv�rsations with Mr� Halverson, we are aware that <br />this is �he reasan why the land sits idle. <br />The land is divided �nto twa tracts, one of which contains <br />the existing doughnut shop. The p�oposal to build the <br />Kentucky Fried Chicken store, how�ver, i�volves a larger site <br />than the lot occupied by th�e doughnut shop. <br />The hasic problem h�re is one of d�veloping or redeveloping <br />the land in a�nanner �u as to prc�vid� access to the future <br />� d�velopment of the westerly site. I suggested that develop- <br />ing it for multi-f,amily purposes may n�� be appropriate <br />inasmuch a.s the land is zoned B-1 and th�re is a very limited <br />supply of such property in the City. <br />� <br />The developm�nt of a new Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant is <br />not in and of itself a problem, but the reiationship �f the <br />land to the cast (�.ncluding �he McDr�nald site) and the <br />r�maininc� land to the west is ai importanee. If. the lanc� is <br />to remain for commerical use, it would appear that th� best <br />method of access would bc w�5terly off Snelling Avenue. I <br />sugg�st�d that a�.U.D. includinq thi� feature might be an <br />appropriat� solution. <br />Mr. Halverson proposes not to s�11 th� land, but to leas� the <br />site to Mr. Saundcrs. They ar� going to prepar� adciitional. <br />plans and ge�t back to thE staff for additiona3. r�view. <br />This site was approved for a P1.anned Un.�t Dev�lo�ment to <br />contain a new structure occupied by Mr. Donut and a Church's <br />Chicken storeo This plan though approved was never <br />�onstructede <br />5. Margolis, 988-7258 <br />Irv Margolis was in with on� of his d�sign p�ople named Jim <br />Le� to review his proposal �o expand an existing Photomat <br />building on th� west end of the shopping center. This i� an <br />accessory structure, which they propose to expand to be <br />converted to a "lock shop." <br />