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• <br />� <br />� <br />. <br />Planning Office Hours • <br />November 19, 1986 Page 4 <br />I suggested a standing rib, metal, hip roof on the expanded <br />structure which I suggest will look more attractive than the <br />preliminary design proposed. Mr. Margolis indicated his <br />interest in pursuing that suggestion. <br />6• Oswald Anderson 774-9765 <br />Rennae Oswald-Anderson is th� �lorth Suburban Senior Outreach <br />Service's Coordinator with "Senior Outreach Services." <br />proposes to establish a day care center for Senior Citizens <br />at 1381 County Road B, which is a single family home <br />contiguous to the corner house at the northeast corner of <br />Albert Street and County Road B. This service, she <br />expiained, is for the care of elderly who may be living at <br />home with relatives, or their maids, but are not in need of <br />care to the extent that they need to be in a nursing home. <br />She notes that Presbyterian Homes operates such a facility in <br />Roseville today. <br />I not�d that a day care center, whether it b� for children or <br />adults, is a special use in a residence district in <br />Roseville, and that a Special Us� Permit wou1.� be required <br />for this location or any other in the C.ity of Roseville. She <br />notes that the home is largc enough to acGommodate ten <br />"clients'" on the first floor according to proposed State <br />regulations. <br />I suggested she me�t with the neighbors in th� area prior to <br />considering a formal application, <br />7• Patraw, 835-1133 <br />Roger Patraw, a r�altor, was in with Ed Bird, who is <br />Executive vice Presid�nt and G�neral Manag@r of Food 'N Fu�l, <br />Inc. �rho propos�s to build a new conv�nience store and <br />lin� disp�nsing facility at the northeast corn�r of ga01d <br />Highway 8 and County Road C-2. This sit@ was occu�ied by a <br />s�rvice s+�-�<rion which buxned down, and is own�d b� Jim Trapp. <br />This sit� and th� lot to th� north is indicat�d on th� <br />Comprchensiv� Plan as a business site, though only a small <br />portion of th� �xistinc� lot on the c�rn�r is zoned H-2, <br />Thus, to rebuild on thbs sitc there would be a necd to rezone <br />the entir� pr�perty. <br />They presented �a preliminary site plan indicating a ��W <br />structure, cnv�r@d pump islands, with accom an in <br />and driv�s to Old Highway 8 and Count Road C��,Y Ig�uparking <br />som� chang�s which cor�form to the fifty f�oot �etback�Sfor <br />driveways from the corncr, and sug4estions for changing th� <br />location of the structu��, If the� <br />development, th�y wi11 pr� arc y p�°��'�`� With this <br />in preparation for an application�torizoning@and�pa�nSpecial <br />Us� Permit. <br />8. A�ache Movina. 636-0382 <br />Jim Johnson, President of Apache Movina, was in with Barry <br />Matson, owner of an office warehouse building where Apache <br />currently operates a"storage and moving" s�rvice. <br />