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u <br />� <br />� <br />Planning Office Hours <br />October 15, 1986 <br />There are eighty to ninety Hampton Inns <br />They would charge $40.00 per night. The <br />height) features an indoor swimming <br />papers, and free continental breakfast. <br />bui ld one hundred and f if ty rooms in <br />about a 3.5 acre site. <br />Page 2 <br />around the country. <br />Inn (five stories in <br />pool, free morning <br />They would like to <br />Roseville, requiring <br />The sites they have examined include Ruan, a clinic north of <br />the old Last Frontier site, Rentco�, Willmus site southeast <br />corner of B-2 and Cleveland, the Victoria Station site, and <br />the Cort BuiYding north of 36. They noted the Victoria <br />Station site is available far $1 million, equaling $12 per <br />square foot, for 1.8 acres. <br />I sugg�sted the Ruan site would b� best, and that its <br />location contiguous to the freeway is more important than <br />the adverse irnpact of the high lines. I not�d, too, the <br />difference in signage height and ar�a available to sit�s <br />co�atiguous tca the f reeway. <br />They ar� going to continu� to analyze their potential, <br />4. Rosewood, 636-8054 <br />Fred Katter, Garv No�ciness and Peter Hilger, from Rosewood, <br />w��e in with Herb Ketcham and Geore�e Loison of the Architec- <br />tural Alli�ncc, and D�nnis Marhul� of W�stwood Engine�ring <br />Company, to discuss their r��ised sit� and building plans for <br />th�ir office p�oject northwest�rly o� th� int�erchange of 35t�t <br />�rnd �'runk Highway 36. <br />Th�y hav� �evised the sitc pian, adjustir�g to concerns a�� had <br />cxp�e�s�d a'� our l�st m��ting, moving �he building m�ss <br />further to t�e �outheast, claser to th� Ere�way interchange, <br />se+�ting thse bui].dings back a greate� dist�nce nff Highway 36 <br />for �h� �wo �tructures to the west, and signi£ic�ntly <br />ir�proving the access roadway ar�d builciing ta parking <br />r�lationships in the process. Now th� major s�ruc�ures are <br />in thc cemtcr oF the parking a��a, eliminating �h� �xcessive <br />r�a].k ta th� exkr�m� edge� of the parking �rea in th� fQrm�r <br />d�sic�n. The d�velopm�nt� r��lly i�aok quitc good. <br />W� discussed th� n�ed to r�locate the sa�vice entrance to th� <br />ma�o� of�icc buildings, inasmuch as they w�re acc�ssibl� only <br />via a�even foot his�h wrap spac�. I�ugg�sted daing this <br />with the upper l�u�l, whcrc �he hcight restri�tion wfll not <br />prev@nt deli�re�y uia trucks, most of which are greater than <br />s�v�n fe�t in height (s�m�.s ar� 13'6), <br />Dave .7anisch review�d str�et wiaths, ric�ht-o�-way widths, and <br />sidewalk requirem�nt�� I sugg�st�d traftic anaiysis be done <br />� so as to det�rmine appropriate geom�tric set i.ntersection�, <br />turning lanes, and trav�l lane configurations. Pondiriq ar��s <br />hav� been expanded� and ar� plann�d to accommodate three feet <br />of boun,ce. David revi�wed drainage r�quirements and <br />concepts. <br />