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annin Of f ice Ho• <br />P1 g <br />October 15, 1986 <br />Page 3 <br />I suggested they utilize their own development counsel <br />• relating to the timing of the preparation of the EAW, and <br />potential needs for an EIS (which we intend to avoid). <br />We also discussed the architecture of the buildings, suggest- <br />inq that they avoid the "total glass cube" effect� They are <br />going to consider re�isions based on our comanents, and be <br />back for further review preliminary to submission to the <br />Planning Commission and Council for PUD and site plan app�roval. <br />5. MRC, 831-2772 <br />Gary �odge, of MRC, was in with Del Kinney and Dave Nelson of <br />Nelson, Carlson Associates, Dave Jenkins of Jenkins Assoc- <br />iates, and John Martin of Keiser Design Build Company, to <br />review sit� plans and building plans f�r the development of <br />a h�avy metals recovery facility south of Rose Place. <br />The desic�n revisions, based on our ].ast conversat�on wer� <br />completed, in�cluding the extensio� of the finished material <br />to the entire office area (on the extcrior), a reduction 4� <br />the parking, th�: moving o� the parking away from th� Garner <br />of the building (was five feet), and desi�nation of futur�: <br />ex�aansion not conflicting with the parking ageas. As <br />propos�d, this building wi1.1 app�ar to work wel�, and wi11 bo <br />an attrac�iv� d�velog�mcr�t. <br />� DaUe Janisch <br />drai.nag� and <br />preiiminary t� <br />State PCA. <br />� <br />r�vi�w�� �h� �r�g�.n��:ring �lem�nts, includin� <br />utiliti�s. Th�y axe s�eking a�gradi�g permit <br />foundatic�n permits, �o114wing approval '�y th� <br />6. Pi�r 1, �2�-0626 <br />Ben �icr�riman is iookir�g �or a c�n� acxe site for an �� 004 <br />s�quare foot, freE standing structure �o b� oc�upi�c� by Pier <br />1, a r��ailer of importeei gAod�. Ne inc�uired about th� site <br />at thc narthw�sfi� corn�� of Sn�lling �venu� a�n�i CQunty Road 8� <br />�, t�ie noted th�at �ite, originally prop�os�d as a�avir►gs and <br />logn sit�s was ulrimately used, wi�th th� expansion of Etosc�dal� <br />as an int+�r:�m p�ndinq� site. Mos� a� the t�me th�r� is �c� <br />wat�r on th� si�e, so it apPears to b� dQv�lopa�l�. <br />W� discuss�d other possik��.e l.acations, includinq �x�as tt��� <br />could b� lea�ed within existing or proposed s9�opping c�n��rs <br />in the Ciky. The�►, at �course, want to be clo�� �Q �tgs�da�l�, <br />� requir�ment di�fiGult t� achievc c�n a sinc�le, fre� �tanding <br />sit� of tY�at �iz�� i� ,is, hawev�r, nice t4 be remind�c� th�t <br />th�re ar� esta�b�ishcd r�etail�rs who desire to mave to <br />Ro��ville. <br />7. JLN, 48?-3519 <br />Bi11 Frank� <br />Putn�m from <br />erian ,7ohnson <br />revised plans <br />the southeast <br />Ghandl�r Vault <br />and Tim Nelson, frc�m JLN, w�r� in with Dav� <br />M�rilla Associat�s (professional �ngi���rs), <br />and John Rugc�ieri, architects, to px�sent <br />for their two 5tructur� offic� developm�nt at <br />�orn�r of Hamlin� and Highway 36 (Wii.bert- <br />site). <br />