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L� <br />�� <br />� <br />Planning Office Ho • <br />October 15, 1986 <br />u <br />Page 4 <br />We were all concerned to note the sit� plan had been dras- <br />tically revised to include a sort of service road running <br />north and south, immediately contiguous (without setback) to <br />Hamline Avenu�. This produced a very short "throat" for <br />access to Hamline, a tight turning radius, a <br />ment for dropoff at the two �truc�ures, and a less workabl� <br />arrangement for vehicular ac c e� s Lo t he structure in rela- <br />drainale to th� parking ramp, Additional analysis of the <br />9, grading, and landscaping had not been done� <br />I expressed o��r �rave conecrn to Messrs. Frank� and N�lson <br />regarding the lack of progress and �tatus of the design, and <br />thc ti�ing of pr�paration Af staff repo�ts fog �h� planning <br />Commissio� and Council. A subse�uent reyi�W of addition�l <br />P��ns submitted on Friday ind�ca�ed it was obvious thati a <br />delay in prac�ssing the h��rings r�levant to this <br />would be app�opriate. Such a d�l�y will be request�drby�th� <br />�PPlicants, in wri�ing. <br />�• Fi�n, �93-9004 <br />John �inn repr�sent� Li�coln P�o��rCies, wh� ��ns th� ��ir_ <br />dale ShoP��n9 Cent�r wes��rly p� R�sedale. �h�� PrQFflse �o <br />cons�ruct � child ca�e c�nter, op�ratin� on an hou�ly bas�s, <br />$t the northwe�t �or�ian �f the c�n�er �tructur�. This <br />faci�.ity wi11 b+� simi,l�� �o "Kicl� Time Qu�" now in ��r�t�,an <br />�t Ca],houn Squa�e, wh,icfi i� s�r��iar t� ona $ls� operat�r� �t <br />S�wtrid�le. <br />The s�$�fe e�xefully, cont�rollod i�� �he S���te, takQs si�c�QQn <br />moc�th to tw�lv� �e�8� o�d chi id��ra f�om 8: 30 �.m. . <br />�.m. � �ith � �ivQ hcaur m�ximum, 'Thi.� is e �o �Q.00 <br />paren+ts �an drep �h�ir �hi,��r�n ef� fo� shogt st�,�►s �rhi�t� <br />they shop or �IA othe� err�nefs� �rid�y and S�turd�y hou�g <br />��e �:30 a.m. ta n��,c�night, �nd on S�nd�y �rom 9:00 �.�n, �� <br />9:40 �.m. Th,is appe�,rs to �e an c�xc�,llc�n+� �ervicc� �o %a <br />add�� to th� R�sadaY� �r��,, a�d is a�p��i�,l U�e �.n ��-� <br />z�ning �istric�, aP�13���b�.e �a thi� �a�o�Qrt�. <br />We, �hQ�ofer�, reviewa�t app�mpri�te <br />r�en�s f�r ��plic�t�om m�d �"t�cedure� and rQc�uix�= <br />Commi�sic,n �nd C�uncil, �r'�ces�in�g thro�gh thQ Pi�nning <br />�. Sk��FQl. 43S-3A78 <br />Dan Sto�fQl s a build�r wha pr+�gos�s to add ar� addition to <br />the zoar of th� home o� t��s� i,8vanne Ols�n, rc�iding �t �499 <br />C�nt�r�nial �treet. �t�e additi�n will b� wiehin k�ren��►-sev�ec� <br />f��t of the re�r lo� �in�, wi�ar��s thirty fe�� is rec�uired. <br />App�:opriate proceduie� and r�q�irem�r�ts for a mino� varianc� <br />we��� r�vic�ed wikh Mr. �toffQl. �h� a�plicati�fl, ir� �hi� <br />4a�w, s��ms app�opriate. <br />�0. Hunn� 646-575b <br />B�rbara iiurrar was back to revi�w h�r revis�d, mor� exaGt sit� <br />pl�ans indicati,ng th� proposed addition of ��wimming �ool <br />structure on he� hom�� <br />