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Planning Office Hours <br />October 15, 1986 <br />• Pa e 5 <br />g <br />� Dave Janisch reviewed the scale plans, determinin that the <br />9 <br />setback to the new property line would be within nine feet <br />of the rear of the structure fronting on Ruggles. The <br />resultant lot will still b� at 1.81 feet in depth, and thus <br />th� property l.i�e can be moved (as discussed in previous <br />reports) so as to provid� a t�n foot setback for the new <br />additio� of the swimming poa�. enclosure. Thus, this <br />devQlopment can �e pxoc�;ssed as a minor variance, followed <br />by an administrative move of the lot line, ultimately <br />dividing the two lats. Nei�her lot will b�come substandard <br />under this pracedure, thc�reby qualifying for the administra- <br />t�ve move of the lot lin�. <br />11. Wil�on 252-6262 <br />�t�ve �1 lsor�, r�pr���n�ing �the Hrutger Development Corpora- <br />tion out of St. Cloud, was in +�a review their landscape <br />plan to� the housing d�v�lapment at the southeast corner of <br />HighwsY 36 and V�.ctoria. fihe �anc�sca�� plan propos�d is <br />almast exactly as a�prnvQcl b�r �he Pl�nninq Commission and <br />Ceuncil. <br />Ther� is v��y 1it��.e l�nclgcapinc� on the n�rth �:nd, however, <br />whe�e th� pl�ns inc3i�a�ed a suhstan�ial �nc��nt of existing <br />tr�e growth. 1�� went ta tha �itQ tca �xamine this qro�rth, <br />� and �ound that it �i11 b� adequat� if it is all retain�d. I <br />al�o notod �hat th�re i� rel�tia��y lit�l� landscaping <br />contiguou� to �h� k,uilc�ing on th� �a�t �id� arient�d kowaxd <br />�he backy��d cr� �h� �antigtac�u� singl�e ,�amily hom�own�rs to <br />thQ Q���t. T`hcts� homc�ow�nc�rs h�v� th� c�ption of a fc�ncc b+�ing <br />construc��d, to ?� de��srmina�d af�er th� stru��Ur� �s upa x� <br />thQ fQnc� is not �4r���ructc�d, I�ugg�s�+�d that a►eidit�ional <br />�ouncl�ti�n plantir�g �cauld �� r�c�uir�d along t2a�: c�ast �icle of <br />�hc� st�uc��re. �`�rus, +�h� �1�r►� w��e �►pprc����i su.b��c� to <br />�uch additiQnsl pl�n�irrq �n thc� e��t �id� of th� building. <br />� <br />