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i <br />� <br />� <br />Planning Office Hours <br />October 8, 1986 <br />Page 4 <br />The setback for the parking on the east side of the site was <br />shown at less than the required fifteen feet. With respect <br />to the sign, it was suggested that the site will remain in a <br />nonconforming status unless a variance is processed and <br />approved for the billboard. <br />Provisions and the preparation of a grading plan would have <br />to occur prior to their resubmitting the application for <br />staff review. I suggested that this left. the Council with <br />the option of considering these revisions without adequate <br />staff review, or referring the substantially revised site <br />plan back to the Planning Commission tor its cansideration. <br />I noted that in cases of this kind, a submission of a <br />radically revised site plan usually results in a referral <br />back to the Planning Commission for its reconsideration. <br />Revisions could include additional screening of truck loading <br />area, movement of employee parking easterly, elimination of <br />the one way truck �gress driveway, moving of the pick up <br />loca�ion, adding landscape elements on portions of the site, <br />adding a sidewalk designation an street frontac�e, resolution <br />of the problem of the nonconforming advertising sign, and <br />preparation of and drainage plans. <br />5. Jonasen, 633-8080 <br />Chuck Jonasen was in to see us �egarding the City's permis- <br />sion to add an exterior dumpster to the Perkin's Restaurant <br />site �ast of Snelling Avenue, north of County Road B. They <br />want to tak� the interior dumpster location, and convert it <br />tQ usable space. �e not�d that the variances issu�d to the <br />site, wh�n it was an Uncle John's Pancake Restaurant, were on <br />the candition that the dumpster be inside the structure. I <br />suggest�d, therefore, that placing the dumpster outside in <br />this important area of the City is not allowed. <br />We r�oted too, that revi.sions are proposed for the Target <br />store site, and that I had sugg�:sted the Target store people <br />get in touch with him their changes as they� may <br />affec� Perkin"s site conditians. <br />6. Stub�nberg, 489-9444 <br />Elaine S�ubenb�rg and Ann�tte Rahn wexe in to discuss <br />possible d,u�Ie� use for a home owned by Elaine Stubenberg at <br />232� Victoria. This is a very large lot with an older hotne, <br />portions of which are I:cated on the f uture right-caf �-way f or <br />Lovell. The home now has a second unit, previously occupied <br />by relatives. �nnette Rahi� is Mrs. Stubenberg's daughter, <br />�nd px'Qposes to occupy the second unit in the structure. <br />We reviewed the City's pUlicy regarding duplexes, and <br />� suggested that it may be appropriate tor them to request the <br />Building Inspector to review the structure prior to any <br />further action. <br />