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Planning Commission
Agendas and Packets
2016 Agendas
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Last modified
4/22/2016 11:46:07 AM
Creation date
4/22/2016 11:45:58 AM
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Planning Commission
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Attachment B <br />F.Density up to a 10% increase in density if the PUD provides substantially more site amenities and <br />achieves more comprehensive plan goals than could be achieved in a conventional development for <br />the applicable land use zone. <br />G.Other the City Council reserves the right to consider other modifications to underlying zoning <br />Commented \[BGA13\]: <br />As a final catch-all in the list of <br />flexibilities, we are proposing an <br />requirements not listed above provided such changes are supportable under the PUD review criteria <br />applicant can show why the area of flexibility is in-line with <br />listed in Section (A)(8) <br />the intent of the PUD ordinance. Despite our best efforts, we <br />cannot always envision what the next big thing might be, and <br />this criteria could leave the door open for something special <br />1023.08: PUD REVIEW CRITERIA <br />that might otherwise be put on hold waiting for a zoning <br />code amendment. <br />The following findings shall be made by the City Council prior to approval of a new or amended PUD <br />overlay district: <br />A.The quality of the building and site design proposed by the PUD will substantially enhance <br />aesthetics of the site and implement relevant goals and policies of the comprehensive plan; <br />B.The design creates a unified environment within the project boundaries by ensuring architectural <br />compatibility of all structures, efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation, aesthetically pleasing <br />landscape and site features, and efficient use of utilities; <br />C.The design achieves maximum compatibility with surrounding land uses, both existing and <br />anticipated, and shall minimize the potential adverse impacts that the PUD and surrounding land <br />uses may have on one another; <br />D.The design takes into consideration proposed modification of underlying zoning requirements, and <br />provides appropriate solutions to eliminate adverse impacts that proposed modifications may <br />impose on surrounding lands; <br />E.If the proposed PUD involves construction over two or more phases, the applicant has demonstrated <br />that each phase is capable of being a stand-alone development independent of other phases; <br />Commented \[BGA14\]: <br />F.At least one or more of the following specific goals will be achieved by the proposed PUD: <br />Subsection (f) then calls for at <br />least one of the key features the City is seeking in its PUDs <br />as determined at our kick off meeting: sustainability <br />1.Sustainability Improvements <br />improvements, improved storm water management, <br />enhanced buffers, and/or structured parking. <br />Multiple sustainability techniques are incorporated into the development plans including but <br />This list can easily be amended to add more options should <br />not necessarily limited to: <br />the City desire such, and the minimum number of features <br />from this list needed to qualify for a PUD could be increased <br />if ever deemed necessary. <br />a.Implementation of high quality construction standards and the use of high quality <br />Commented \[BGA15\]: <br />construction materials to ensure the longevity of the proposed project; <br />We did not put a specific number <br />on this goal as we want to push projects to be as sustainable <br />as possible, but not be overly restrictive such that the <br />b.Improvements to reduce energy load, increase energy efficiency, and <br />investments to achieve the goal become cost-prohibitive. <br />ability techniques are needed <br />maximize the use of renewable energy sources; <br />prevents an applicant from doing something small like using <br />locally sourced products as their argument that the goal is <br />c.Inclusion of facilities to reuse or recycle water for on-site uses such as irrigation; <br />met. We can identify amore objective threshold should such <br />be desired by the City Council. <br /> <br />
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