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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri111, 2016 <br />Page 28 <br />At the request of Councilmeinber Laliberte for a coinparable contract with the <br />RFP, Mr. Culver confirmed that the RFP maintained single-sort collection and <br />continued option for every other week collection cycle. <br />As part of his presentation, Mr. Culver reviewed 'the evaluation criteria and <br />weighting that will be used as part of the Best Value Procurement process; and <br />covered next steps after incorporating tonight's City Council feedback on the <br />RFP, its release and tiineline for proposals and their analysis. <br />Councilinember McGehee noted that the previous contract spent considerable <br />time and effort to identify where the City of Roseville's recycling materials ended <br />up after leaving the community to determine if and how they were properly recy- <br />cled. Councilmember McGehee asked where that was addressed in this RFP. <br />Mr. Culver advised that even in the existing three year contract with Eureka Re- <br />cycling, there was no requirement that materials be handled locally. However, <br />Mr. Culver clarified that this was part of the weighting criteria in the Community <br />Values portion of the evaluation process for scoring as high as 10% based on <br />where a proposer intencled to deliver materials. Based on market conditions at <br />any given tiine, Mr. Culver noted that this varied for contractors; and further clari- <br />fied that the City didn't hold Eureka to any requirements that they prove to the <br />City of Roseville that they use a local market versus identifying where they actu- <br />ally send it. Mr. Culver reiterated that this was due to today's market fluctuations <br />and in soine cases, lacic of local markets. <br />Councilmember McGehee opined that she considerecl that an important piece of <br />Roseville's process all along, and didn't want it to get lost in the fine print or re- <br />duced to a less important role. <br />Councilmeinber McGehee aslced how trash buckets were currently handled in <br />city-owned parks. <br />Mr. Culver responded that Park & Recreation Department maintenance staff emp- <br />tied their own bins. <br />Councihnember McGehee questioned if it would be possible, based on her per- <br />sonal review of the map showing parks, to obtain a more effective price if once <br />every week, Parlcs staff picked up recycling materials at the same time they did <br />trash and took it to a central location (e.g. Central Park or City Hall campus). <br />Councilmember McGehee suggested staff consider that option as part of the RFP, <br />since she anticipated a large cost for a vendor to perform that pick-up multiple <br />times at multiple locations. <br />As included in the Appendix price sheets, Mr. Culver noted different options for a <br />separate pick-up of individual containers at various locations versus a central lo- <br />