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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 11, 2016 <br />Page 30 <br />experience and good revenue sharing achieved with Eureka's contract when there <br />was a market available, Mr. Culver opined that it would be interested to see how <br />proposers address that area in the value-added portion of the RFP given today's <br />market for recyclable materials. <br />Aside froin organics, and in recognition of the eight city licensed solid waste <br />haulers Couricilmember Laliberte asked if their programs, if any, could be consid- <br />ered as part of their weekly trash pick-up; and asked if so, could that information <br />be provided to those haulers at some point. <br />Mr. Culver advised that those licensed haulers could be asked those questions, <br />and could be subinitted to the City Council when staff returned with recycling <br />proposals. <br />In proposed language of the RFP (page 20), Councilmember Etten noted language <br />addressing educational tags used by contractors for curbside materials that were <br />unacceptable; and expressed his wholehearted agreement with that language. <br />However, on that saine page, Councilmember Etten noted different language for <br />that same situation for multi-unit dwellings and that education tags would be left <br />"if available" and questioned the difference in language. <br />Mr. Culver advised that was an error, and he would strilce "if available" to make it <br />inandatory as with the first language. <br />On page 28, Section 6.06, related to public education materials and cominunity <br />outreach, Councilmember Etten questioned if there was any way that such out- <br />reach and efforts to encourage participation in recycling could be given assistance <br />through translation for those lower participating cominunities with a language <br />barrier. Councilmember Etten stated that his intent was to help the contractor and <br />residents to accomplish that outreach in targeted parts of the community. <br />Regarding recycling in parks and a one-to-one rollout, Councihnember Etten <br />opined that this was a big deal; and he shared concerns as pointed out by his col- <br />leagues, using the example of 24 new bins in Central Park Lexington as just one <br />case. Councilmeinber Etten questioned if a proliferation of cans was the best <br />practice, or if there should be targeted areas moving forward in more incremental <br />stages. Councilmember Etten noted it could become problematic as well as tak- <br />ing considerable staff time to manage another 139 carts; and while he might con- <br />sider it more cost-effective for city staff to collect and haul to a central location, it <br />would be a big change, and questioned how best to balance those needs and re- <br />sources. <br />Along those same lines, Councilmember McGehee suggested having trash ven- <br />dors pick up recycling in the parks as part of their service. Councilmember <br />