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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April ll, 2016 <br />Page 31 <br />McGehee further questioned if it would be better to focus recycling collection at <br />those parks most heavily used. <br />Specific to cart storage, Councilinember McGehee noted the variable sizes of <br />carts, and if the city got in the cart business, perhaps it would be best to handle <br />only one size rather than atteinpting to handle the cosinetic aspect of cart manipu- <br />lation. <br />As previously noted by staff, Mayor Roe clarified that the contractor would be <br />storing the carts, no matter who owned them. <br />Regarding education tags, Councilmember Laliberte presumed that this RFP re- <br />tained the single-sort and would not revert to "shaming" versus "educating" about <br />sorting. <br />Mr. Culver reiterated that the goal was for education. <br />Wilhnus moved, McGehee seconded, receipt of the Recycling Request for Pro- <br />posals (RFP) as presented (Attachment A); and approval of the RFP for adver- <br />tisement; as amended to coNrect language as notecl above by Councilmember Et- <br />ten Nelated to eclucation tags being mandatory. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: McGehee, Willinus, Laliberte, Etten and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />d. Twin Lakes Parkway East Collector Project — Authorization to Proceed with <br />Final Design <br />Public Works Director Marc Culver provided an update on study of the Twin <br />Lalces Parkway and Fairview Avenue corridor over the last few months as previ- <br />ously approved by staff and completed by SRF consultants. <br />In addition to the detail provided in the RCA dated April 11, 2016, and maps at- <br />tached to the report, Mr. Culver's presentation included background information <br />on the proj ect; additional upgrades in and around the area, including the inter- <br />change at Cleveland Avenue and I-35W; Twin Lakes Parkway extension; new <br />signals at Twin Lakes Parkway and Terrace Avenue; and recent redevelopment in <br />the area. <br />Mr. Culver reviewed project goals of this specific Twin Lakes East Collector Pro- <br />ject to promote through-movements from Twin Lakes Parkway to Snelling Ave- <br />nue, to improve intersection operations at Lincoln Drive and County Road C-2, <br />and to improve those through-movements throughout the area, particularly at ma- <br />jor intersections. <br />