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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri111, 2016 <br />Page 32 <br />As part of the study by the consultant SRF, traffic forecasts were done for east- <br />bound County Road C-2 at Snelling, both existing and projected 2030 peak after- <br />noon vehicles. <br />Mr. Culver reviewed some proposed design features, including changing some <br />moveinents for eastbound to northbound traffic at Lincoln drive while maintain- <br />ing a three-way stop at that intersection with County Road C; adding dual left turn <br />lanes on County Road C-2 to northbound Snelling Avenue to allow additional ca- <br />pacity; closure of the median; and right in/right out only movements for 2875 and <br />2887 Snelling Avenue, while having full access at Lincoln Drive. <br />Mr. Culver provided projected costs for these improvements, including signal up- <br />grades and/or signal replacements since MnDOT is scheduled to replace one sig- <br />nal in 2020 and cost-share with the City of Roseville may be a viable option for <br />this Minnesota State Aid (MSA) roadway; cost contairunent due to no additional <br />rights-of-way requirements, only temporary easements for grading and landscape <br />removal at Lincoln Drive and Terrace Avenue during construction. Mr. Culver <br />noted that revenue would be allocated through Tax Increment Financing District <br />13 for roadway and engineering costs, anticipated to total approximately <br />$205,000. <br />Mr. Culver reported that staff had sought preliminary feedback from area busi- <br />nesses that would be affected, including the University of Northwestern with stu- <br />dent housing in the former Comfort Suites building, Grumpy's Restaurant, Scan- <br />dinavian Design and Midway Ford (no response received). To-date, Mr. Culver <br />advised that Scandinavian Design had communicated with staff on their concerns <br />with loss of full access along County Road C-2, as previously noted to the City <br />Council. <br />Mr. Culver advised that the purpose of tonight's request from staff is to seek au- <br />thorization far staff to hold a neighborhood meeting on the conceptual design of <br />the project and authorization to complete final design of the project for City <br />Council consideration before going to bid. <br />Councilmember Etten thanked 1VIr. Culver for taking the initiative on this project, <br />opining it was necessary as part of the "big picture" improvements for this area. <br />As part of the concept design presented by Scandinavian Design, Councilmember <br />Etten noted that on idea was to change the median to allow one turn lane west <br />bound froin the County Road C-2 intersection using the city's easement on the <br />south side of the road to create additional room. Councilmeinber Etten asked Mr. <br />Culver for his thoughts on that idea, which would increase costs for additional <br />road surface but allow Scandinavian Design more access to their property. <br />In displaying a map of the concept design from Scandinavian Design, Mr. Culver <br />reviewed potential issues with the location of the signal pole and need to extend <br />