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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri111, 2016 <br />Page 38 � <br />is more expensive it resulted in a more inclusive process and end product of inore <br />substance. <br />Councilmember Laliberte agreed with the comments of her colleagues related to <br />worlcing with other partners. However, Councilmember Laliberte noted that there <br />were things the city could do in the meantime and not wait for them on areas ap- <br />plicable to acting along. Since it affects all three cities, Councilmember Laliberte <br />noted that the City of Roseville could make all the greatest improvements in the <br />world and if those adjacent communities didn't pay attention to those same areas, <br />it would malce no difference. Councilmember Laliberte noted that there were no <br />jurisdictional boundaries for those living or working along that corridor, and <br />while continuing to work with those agencies, supported working on things far- <br />ther off the corridor that were Roseville-specific and could be done sooner rather <br />than later. <br />As to the process component, Councilmember Willmus agreed with Coun- <br />cilmember McGehee on the CDI process, with the possibility of incorporating a <br />Design Charrette later in the process, or use a hybrid approach of the two. <br />Before stating her preference for a process, Councilmember Laliberte stated that <br />she was interested in the partners for that process since some planning discussions <br />were already held and coordinated in that area with Chambers of Commerce and <br />the three communities; and questioned the status of that planning. <br />Ms. Collins reviewed the primary content of those collaborative and preliminary <br />ineetings to-date, and their one common denominator indicating conversations <br />needed to continue. While all parties want to work together, Ms. Collins reported <br />that each jurisdiction was coming at it from a different angle, with Roseville lead- <br />ing the charge from the community engagement position and Maplewood's chal- <br />lenges coming from the public safety standpoint and seeking collaborative police <br />and public safety efforts. Ms. Collins further reported that the City of St. Paul <br />was looking at it froin a. market analysis perspective keyed up to addressing larger <br />scale collaborative zoning efforts to guide properties together for future redevel- <br />opment. While each one was looking through a different lens, Ms. Collins noted <br />that the City of Roseville was doing so with the most momentum; and while there <br />was soine interest coming out of those initial discussions, there was no robust <br />momentum to get going. <br />Following the Chamber of Commerce opportunity, Ms. Collins noted there was <br />significant interest, but mostly to continue conversations since each community <br />has their own challenges; and while all agree that reinvestment is needed, the City <br />of Roseville was more interested in what that vision would look like, while the <br />other parties also had some level of interest, but basically she considered them to <br />be at the preliminary stages at this point. <br />