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ittac;�ment C <br />- 1023A3: REF�.ECT[O� ON TEIE OFFICI�L ZOYING �i?�P <br />A. PUD provisions provide an optional method of re�ulating land use which permits flexibility <br />from standard regulating provisions. Establishment of a PUD shall require adoption of an <br />ordinance creating an overlay zoning district atop the boundaries of the development area. <br />For each PUD District, a specific ordinance shall be adopted establishin� all rules which shall <br />supersede underlying zoning. [ssues not specifically addressed by the PL`D Overlay <br />__ shall be govemed by thz underlying zoning district rewlations. <br />B. All PUDs approved prior to [date of ordinance publication] shall be allowed to continue per <br />the original conditions of approval. <br />1023.0�1: PER�IITTED LOC�T[OYS FOR PUD REZONING <br />Establishment of a PUD ------- -- --- �. �: may be requested for any area regardless <br />of current zoning. <br />1023.05: PUD Qti.aLIFICATIOVS <br />a. Establishment of a PUD will bz considzred only for areas of land in single ownership or <br />� controL Alternatively, multiplz party ownership, in the sole discretion of the City, is <br />acceptable w4en legally sufficient written consent from atl persons and entities with <br />o�vnership interzst is provided at the time of application. <br />-- B. Projecu eligiblz for a PUD shall have a site which consists of a parcel or contiQuous parcels <br />- of land nvo (2) acres or more in siz�. Tracts ef less than nvo acres may be elieible for a PUD <br />- o�erlay district onfy if the applicant can dzmonstratz that a project of superior design can be <br />, achieved, or that greater compliance with the comprehensi�e plan goals and policies can bz <br />-- attained throu�h we of the PUD process. <br />1023.06: PER�IITTED tiSES WITHI� 2� P�D <br />a. Thz extent of permitted land uses within a PUD shall be limited to thuse land uses that are <br />either permitted or deemed by thz Community Development Department to be substantially <br />similar to those allowed in the underlying zoning distnct. <br />B. Adopted PUD _, ____ � regulations may include specific provisions <br />governing uses which supersede underlying zonin� requirements. <br />C. i�fore than one buildin� may be placed on one lot in a PUD. <br />P:r�c 3 ��� 36 <br />