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2016_0224 Minutes.pdf
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
2016 Minutes
2016_0224 Minutes.pdf
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also need help from the Commission on running the conversations and analyzing the <br />final report to organize a workshop with the Karin Organization to address some of <br />the concerns that are identified. <br />Ms. Collins stated the Commissioners could communicate with Ms. Lowman <br />individually but not all of them on the same email due to open meeting laws. <br />Ms. Lohman stated the KOM is organizing questions for the first meeting to help <br />them feel comfortable expressing their concerns without feeling others think they are <br />complaining. They want to work with the community to open lines of <br />communication. She asked the Human Right Commission to work more on the <br />questions for the second event and to forward any questions or themes they would <br />like to see come up during the first conversation. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if there would be a summary available after the first <br />conversation in order to build upon those during the second conversation. <br />Ms. Lohman stated she did not believe there would be a detailed summary available <br />prior to the second conversation but she may have a general idea of what was <br />discussed at the first conversation prior to the next event. <br />Old Business <br />c. Essay Contest Update <br />Ms. Collins stated they received 113 essays and this is up from 37 last year. She <br />provided copies of the essays to each of the Commission members including Youth <br />Commissioner Cederberg. She explained the Commissioners could use the rubric <br />provided in a spreadsheet format. <br />Commissioner Christiansen asked if the Commissioners should just send the rubric <br />for their top 10 essays. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested sending the scores for all of the essays to Ms. Collins <br />and she would be able to provide the top scores for the essays. <br />Chair Groff stated if there were several with top scores the Commission may need to <br />review these top essays and score them a second time in order to determine the top <br />three essays. <br />Commissioner Carey asked if the deadline would be extended. <br />Ms. Collins suggested the essay contest winners be notified prior to the end of the <br />school year. <br />Chair Groff explained from previous experience it would be best to have the winners <br />identified within the next month. <br />Commissioner Christiansen stated she would like to have the next meeting date <br />changed. She then asked if the next meeting were held later in the month if this <br />would give Commissioners enough time to read all of the essays prior to the next <br />meeting. <br />
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