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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 16, 2016 <br />Page 10 <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Chief O'Neill reviewed the vesting <br />process and timing with increased pension potential for every year of service, and <br />age-related payout options. <br />Councilmember McGehee opined that this should be a topic of discussion going <br />forward, whether or not part-time firefighters had grown accustomed to a second <br />income, since the city continued to expend considerable funds annually for turn- <br />out gear whether for part- or full-time firefighters. Councilmember McGehee <br />opined this was an expense residents should be aware of and that as city govern- <br />ment should be looked at. Councilmember McGehee noted the concern was not <br />to intentionally cut someone off, but if at year 10 it was determined that there was <br />no reason in any longer delaying going to a full-time department, there should be <br />no reason for the city to continue carrying part-time firefighters. <br />Specific to measuring response times once the pilot program for closest unit re- <br />sponding is started this fall, Councilmember McGehee asked that the reports to <br />the City Council be of sufficient detail to show actual markers and times for when <br />the calls originally come in to dispatch, when the Roseville department received <br />the call, and when they arrived at the scene. <br />Chief O'Neill clarified that the information was already available today on every <br />call: from the tiine the 9-1-1 call was answered by dispatch, when received at the <br />Roseville queue, when the unit was out the door, and when they arrived on scene; <br />all data captured today. - <br />Councilmember McGehee asked how it was determined to move the employee <br />safety and loss control from the Finance Department to the Fire Department. <br />Chief O'Neill responded that the City's Assistant Finance Director had performed <br />the duties for a long time and had been good at it; but when she moved on about <br />1.5 years ago, internally during a department head meeting, staff had evaluated <br />whether or not that was the right fit for the Finance Department, and determined <br />that it seemed to be a better fit for the Fire Department, given their coordination <br />of other employee training citywide. Chief O'Neill advised that his department <br />enjoyed training, and offered to give it a try, and now after eight months into it, <br />originally being an adventure in learning, a good foundation had been established <br />to move forward. Chief O'Neill noted that another component was that the Fire <br />Department's current Administrative Assistant had performed those duties in an- <br />other city they'd worked for, including maintaining OSHA logs and compliance <br />requirements, making the transition even better. Chief O'Neill expressed his hope <br />that the duty would improve annually and that training would continue to be en- <br />hanced for employees versus being stale and boring, but more exciting and en- <br />hancing overall safety aspects for city staff and Roseville citizens. <br />